Page 6 - MAEPS - Journey Through the Decade
P. 6

Journey through the decade: An Agro-Wonderland Tale

                      S            owing the seeds

                               t was the year 2008.  an agriculture hub to a lifestyle
                                 MAEPS, the        avenue. It is also a permanent
                     I brainchild of               fixture to some of the biggest
                     the Agriculture and Agro-     consumer-related exhibitions like
                     based Industry Ministry, was   the Art of Speed and Matta Fair.
                     established to serve as a centre   As one of the largest exhibition
                     for agro-based events and     parks and showgrounds, MAEPS
                     activities.                   has grown from being the driving
                       The exhibition park stretches   force behind the success of the
                     over 130 hectares belonging   agriculture industry in Malaysia
                     to the Malaysian Research and   to assisting other industries
                     Development Institute (MARDI).  blossom.
                       It hosts industry-focused     MAEPS is destined to be an
                     events and activities to promote   iconic landmark for locals and
                     the agriculture industry to   tourists. Through its multiple
                     the masses. This includes the   attractions suitable for visitors of
                     nation’s leading agricultural   all walks, it also has the potential
                     show, the Malaysia Agriculture,   of becoming an agriculture hub
                     Horticulture and Agrotourism   luring corporations to catapult
                     Show (MAHA).                  the industry in Malaysia and
                       MAEPS has grown from being   beyond.

                                       Interesting Fact

                                    UEM Builders designed and built
                                  MAEPS in a record time of 10 months.

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