Page 1 - Pharma GIT L1
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Prokinetic drugs

             Definition: They are drugs that increase Upper GIT motility without causing


             They include:

                     Cholinomimetics agents (M3 receptor agonists):                  Bethanichol.

                     Dopaminergic blockers:             Metoclopramide and Domperidone.

                      Metoclopramide.


                    Metoclopramide ↑ lower esophageal tone and enhances gastric

                       emptying and upper GIT motility through:

                            Blocking of dopamine (D) receptors (Central & Peripheral) leading

                              to decrease the inhibitory action of dopamine on the GIT motility.

                            Enhances cholinergic transmission in the GIT.

                            Antiemetic action: due to blockade of D receptors in the CTZ.
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