Page 17 - Reunion Newspaper (Matrix 1996 - 2016)
P. 17

Name: Joerg
                                                                           From 1996 – 2016 …..
            Surname: Boecking

                                                                           Graduated from High School in 1996,
            Birth Date: 23/04/1978
                                                                           studied for 1 year a Marketing and
            Contact No. 0812752868                                        Business Management Diploma at
                                                                           Damelin Business Campus, and
                                                                           graduated, started working at FNB
            Married: YES                                                  Namibia FOREX Department, covered
                                                                           every job title and duty while I was there,
            Who's your spouse?: Suad

                                                                           in 2001 started my own business called
            Kiddies: NO                                                   ClientLink Services, a basic rewards
                                                                           program involving plastic cards as the
            Your profession today: Customer                                gateway to earn discounts at selected

                                  Relationship Manager                     stores, then in 2004

            Staying where?:  Windhoek, Namibia                             I started Infinity Namibia, which is a
                                                                           leading Rewards Program in Namibia and

            Did you become what you dreamed to be                          South Africa, travelled to Sweden in

            back in 199?:  YES                                             December 2010, built my own house
                                                                           2011, married 2013, and now
            Your Motto today or just a funny quote:                        happily married and still

                Live While You Live                                        running the Rewards

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