Page 18 - Reunion Newspaper (Matrix 1996 - 2016)
P. 18
Name: Monika Surname: Reinders
Surname you had 1996: Ihms Birth Date: 18/01/1978
Contact No: 0812720052 E-mail:
Married: YES If married, who's your spouse? Herman Reinders
Kiddies: YES If yes, how many kids and their Name & age: Julia (4)
Lena (1)
Your profession today: MD for ATC Namibia (Inbound Tour Operator)
Staying where: Windhoek
Did you become what you planned to be in 1996: mmhhh …… no
Your Motto of today or just a
funny quote:
If you obey all the rules,
- You’ll miss all the fun!
Von 1996 – 2016 …..
Nothing special: travelled,
worked, got married,
worked, had kids…worked
even more