Page 20 - Reunion Newspaper (Matrix 1996 - 2016)
P. 20

Name: Teja

                               Surname: Lück

                      Surname you had 1996: von Gossler

                           Birth Date: 03 May 1978

                      Contact No:     081 475 8879


                        Married: YES

        If married, who's your spouse? : Achim F.Lück

                         Kiddies: YES

         If yes, how many kids and their Name & age:
                         Romy (11)

                      Piroschka (8)
                                                                       Von 1996 – 2016 …..
          Your profession today: H.R.

          Staying where: Windhoek                              I have been in Europe for 3 years: jobbing- 1 year Au

                                                               Pair on Fehmarn (very cool & exciting year: even did
       Did you become what you planned to be in 1996:
      not sure - as I didn't really know                       a tandem skydiving jump) - starting hotel

             what I wanted to do as a                          management & broke off.
                       profession..                            Returned to Namibia 2000 and started working as
                 Family dreams: YES                            receptionist/ accounting assistant & in the evenings
                                                               doing bookkeeping, Accounting & Computer courses.
         Your Motto of today or just a funny quote:
                                                               And met my husband :-) In 2003 September we got

                                                               Since 2001 I am quite active in Volleyball; playing first
                                                               Indoor, lately only Beach.

                                                               2003 I started working at KL Construction, where I

                                                               still am.
                                                               2005 my daughter Romy was born & 2007 Piroschka.

                                                                          I must say, I love being a mom!
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