Page 24 - Reunion Newspaper (Matrix 1996 - 2016)
P. 24

Von 1996 – 2016 …..

                                                              1997 - Beckley's Secretarial College, Windhoek
                                                                     - Executive Secretary Certificate

                                                               1998  - Obtained my Driver's License

                                                              2000 -  Ruth Prowse College of Art & Design

                                                                     – First Year Jewelry Design & Manufacture

                                                              2001  -  Cape College - National Senior Certificate

                                                              2002  -  Cape College - N4 Certificate Art &  Design
            Name: Birgit
                                                                      - Jewelry Design & Manufacture,
            Surname: Henckert
                                                                      - Cape College - N5 Certificate Art & Design

            Surname you had 1996:
                                                                      - Jewelry Design & Manufacture

                                                              2003 -  Cape College - N6 Certificate Art & Design
                                                                     - Jewelry Design & Manufacture
              Birth Date: 13 June 1977
                                                              2004 -  Cape College - N6 National Certificate
                 Contact No: 081 376 2967                                     -  Art & Design - Jewelry Design &   Manufacture

                    E-mail:            2005 - 2006 -   Henckert Tourist  Centre Karibib - Sales Lady

                                 Married: NO                  2007 - 2010 -  Worked various jobs in Cape Town:

                                            Kiddies: NO                           Call Centre - selling Magazines;
                                                                                  Call Centre Swiss Airline;

                                                                                  Selling Water filtration  Systems;
            Your profession today:

                   Sales Lady / Business Owner                              Sales Lady at African Trading Port, Waterfront;

            Staying where: Karibib, Namibia                                 Basic Diamond Training/ Sorting at Piero Verde,
            Did you become what you                                         Greenmarket Square, Cape Town - ( and

            planned to be in 1996: YES                                      somewhere in-between I also did a Data

                                                                            Capturing Course, but don't ask me where the
                                                                            Certificate is ;-/ )

                                                              2012  -  Jobs Unlimited - Certificate in Basic

           Your Motto of today or                                    Bookkeeping up to Trial Balance
                 just a funny quote:

                                                              2015  -  The Bowen Therapy Academy of  Australia
           I HATE being BIPOLAR.........IT'S
                                                                      - Bowen Therapeutic Technique - Diploma of Proficiency
                   AWESOME!' ......LOL
                                                              2011 - 2016 - Henckert Tourist Centre Karibib
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