Page 19 - WAD BEYOND GLOBAL June 2020
P. 19


          Puerto Rico                                                     Up to today’s date, June 15, 2020, in Puerto Rico,
                                                                          there are 1,477 confirmed cases, 4,413 probable
                                                                          cases and 147 deaths. We still have a curfew in
                                                                          place, which is from 10pm to 5am. Also, most
                                                                          industries  will  be  authorized  to  reopen  this
                                                                          week,  and  it  is  a  requirement  to  wear  a  face
                                                                          mask in public places.

                                                                          As  per  our  company,  we  are  completely  open
                                                                          and  operational.  We  have  already  attended
                                                                          various consultations, polygraph and fingerprint
                                                                          services,  as  well  as  services  of  process  and
                                                                          investigations.  Here  in  our  Puerto  Rico  office,
                                                                          we have instituted safety measures as per the
                                                                          government’s  requirements.  All  employees
                                                                          must be disinfected and have their temperatures
        taken upon entering our premises, as well as go through a general screening process where they are required to answer questions
        regarding their symptoms and if they have been in contact with a person infected with Covid-19….
        WAD Member Fernando Fernandez

          NEW ZEALAND

        Tackling Insurance Fraud in the Wake of Covid-19
                                                                         Authored by one of our very own WAD members
                                                                         based  in  New  Zealand,  what  started  as  a  small
                                                                         marketing  project  by  John  Borland  of  ISACORP
                                                                         LIMITED has now turned into a Global Insurance
                                                                         Fraud  Whitepaper  phenomenon  endorsed  and
                                                                         published  by  multiple  Insurance  Organizations
                                                                         around the planet.

                                                                         An eGuide that within a week of being completion,
                                                                         had  been  downloaded  several  hundred  times
                                                                         (that  can  officially  be  tracked)  and  shared  by
                                                                         industry professionals across every continent on
                                                                         the planet.

                                                                         The  ‘Insurance  Fraud  Blueprint’  is  a  40-page
                                                                         eGuide for Global Insurance Professionals to help
                                                                         them identify and mitigate insurance fraud post
        Covid-19 with tips and tricks used by expert investigators. Utilized his partners in USA, South Africa, and Oceania to contribute in
        their areas of expertise including Organized Crime, Emerging Risks and Cyber Investigations, Mr. Borland ensured his document
        covered all areas of risk to an Insurance Company.

        Mr. Borland has emerged as an Fraud Expert in recent years and at the age of just 30 he has already been voted the ‘International
        Insurance Investigator of the Year’ by IAATI, an ‘Insurance Young Gun’ by Insurance Business and was recently a Finalist for Young
        Insurance Professional of the Year by ANZIIF.

        Like the other organization who have endorsed the document for professional development of their members, we at the World
        Association  of  Detective  have  made  the  ‘Insurance  Fraud  Blueprint’  available  for  FREE  download  through  the  following  link:  Another  great  example  by  industry  leading  work,  completed  by  members  of  the  WAD
        WAD Member, John Borland
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