Page 21 - WAD BEYOND GLOBAL June 2020
P. 21


                                         Cold Case Mysteries

                                         Colorado Cold Cases: JeffCo Sheriff’s Department
                                         Identifies a Suspect in Almost 60-Year-Old Murder

                                         An 80-year-old man is suspected of a Colorado teenager’s murder at a
                                         Girl Scout camp over a half a century ago.

        Fifty-seven  years  ago,  Colorado  was  rocked  by  the  sexual   In  2007,  as  DNA  testing  technologies  grew,  a  John  Doe  DNA
        assault and murder of a 16-year-old girl at a Girl Scout camp   profile  was  created  from  preserved  evidence  taken  at  the
        near Deckers, Colorado.                               crime scene. The profile was entered into the Combined DNA
                                                              Index System (CODIS), then in 2019, that profile was updated
        Margaret “Peggy” Beck was a student at North High School and   and submitted for investigative genetic genealogy testing. This
        worked as a girl scout counselor-in-training at the camp, located   testing revealed leads that led investigators to a suspect after
        at the Flying G Ranch. On August 18, 1963, after not showing up   matching the DNA profile to information in consumer genealogy
        for breakfast, her body was found zipped inside her sleeping   databases, which eventually gave investigators connections to
        bag by campmates who had gone to look for her. Beck had slept   relatives of the suspect.
        alone in her tent the night prior, as her bunkmate had been sick
        and slept in the infirmary. She had been raped and strangled   The case is now considered to be the oldest unsolved case in
        to death, and her attacker was never found, though over 100   the world to be solved using investigative genetic genealogy.
        people were interviewed and a few suspects investigated but   The  Jefferson  County  Sheriff’s  Office  partnered  with  United
        then cleared.                                         Data Connect, a genealogy testing company founded by Mitch
                                                              Morrissey, a former Denver DA. They searched two databases,
        In  a  press  conference  on  Thursday,  Jefferson  County  Sheriff   FamilyTreeDNA  and  GED  Match,  to  match  Taylor’s  profile  to
        Jeff  Shrader  announced  that  James  Raymond  Taylor,  born   that of his relatives.
        December 22, 1939, and now around 80-81 years old, has been
        named as the suspect in this long-unsolved crime.     Anyone who has information about Taylor is asked to contact
                                                              the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office tip line at 303-271-5612 or
        It is not known if he is still alive, or where he might be if he is   Metro Denver Crime Stoppers at 720-913-STOP (7867), please
        alive. Taylor was in his twenties at the time of Beck’s murder   reference case 63-10335.
        and  living  in  Colorado  back  then.  He  even  had  a  wedding
        and  a  child  here  in  about  1961.  He  was  last  seen  in  Las   Beck’s remaining living relatives gave this statement shared
        Vegas, Nevada, in 1976 and has a criminal record there that   by Sheriff Schrader at the press conference:
        dates back to the early 1970s. No family members have had   “Peggy was a beautiful young girl who loved life. She was loving
        contact with Taylor since the late 1970s, though they did meet   and protective of her family and we will cherish our memories
        with  investigators  and  were  very  cooperative  with  helping   of her forever.”
        solve the case.
                                                              Beck was known to be a happy girl, excited for her first summer
        Detective Elias Alberti said of the suspect:          as  a  counselor  at  the  Girl  Scout  camp.  She  was  one  of  four
        “We  have  spent  several  months  searching  for  James  Taylor   girls and lived with her family in Edgewater. There were some
        with  no  luck.  We  have  no  idea  where  he’s  at…  Even  though   resemblances in her case to that of a similar incident at the
        we’re unable to find him and locate him, there is a chance the   camp a year prior when a girl awoke to a stranger strangling her
        general public out there may know James Taylor, may know his   in her tent, as well as some similarities to the murder of two
        whereabouts,”                                         Girls Scouts in a camp in Oklahoma a few years later, leading to
                                                              speculation that the cases may be related.
        With  the  announcement  of  an  arrest  warrant,  the  hope  is
        that new information leading to Taylor or information on his   Though it remains a mystery if Taylor will be found and held
        current whereabouts will be found. Below is a picture of the   accountable  for  the  crime,  it  is  wonderful  news  that  after
        suspect from 1961, courtesy of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s   almost 60 years the case has been solved. This is one of several
        Office.                                               cases solved in recent years with the use of genetic genealogy
        The case remained unsolved for over half a century, and despite
        setbacks and a lack of evidence, investigators in Colorado and in   About the author
        Jefferson County never gave up on finding out who perpetrated   D. DeGroot. D. is a writer and bookworm who lives in the beauty of the
        the heinous murder of the happy girl scout.           Rocky Mountains. She finds happiness in the little things: a warm hug,
                                                              a belly laugh, a beautiful sunset, and a good book.
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