Page 7 - WAD BEYOND GLOBAL June 2020
P. 7
ALEXEY SOLOMANIDIN There was a plan to make a presentation
on the Case Management System for
WAD in Panama but having in mind
our current situation I suggest keeping
this for Aruba. The current testing of
the system internally in our company
Dear Officers and Board members,
was quite positive, the system works
really well. We have integrated it into
I would like to begin my report with the words of support communication with our clients so
for all our members. There is no way to tell exactly what the we can now consider it as a tested
economic damage from the global COVID-19 coronavirus solution, that could be presented for
pandemic will be, it is obvious that it will have severe negative WAD board for consideration.
impacts on the global economy. Our industry is not an
exception and I really hope that we will overcome this crisis At the end of my report, I would like to thank the Executive
together. With great regret we have had to cancel our midterm Management Team and all officers for continuous support and
meeting in Panama. The situation with the spread of the hard work for our association.
virus was rapidly deteriorating and we cannot afford to put at
risk health of our members. At the same time, our Executive
Committee holds conference calls every two weeks, discussing Respectfully submitted
current issues, measures of supporting and developing of the
association. It was decided to establish the new format of
sharing knowledge for WAD members – webinars, that are held Alexey Solomanidin
currently and recordings of the webinars are available on our Alexey Solomanidin
Facebook page.
1st Vice President
The webinars were very well accepted and attended by our
members. I have got numerous thankful emails from our
members. Among them was an email from our member Pascal
from Reunion Island who mentioned that the webinars helped
him to feel less isolated in these difficult times. It should
be highlighted that the speakers did a very good job and I
personally enjoyed every webinar.
I take this opportunity to congratulate our President Dan
Rusu with signing a Memorandum of Understanding with
the International Police Association. It is indeed a good
opportunityto establish mutually beneficial cooperation
between two professional associations. I would like to thank
Dan for his contribution in this process and for his integrity and
Due to the restrictions related to the virus, my representation
of WAD in different events was decreased over the last couple
of months. At the same time this January, I had an opportunity
to participate in a conference of the Association of European
Investigators headed by Jan Stekelenburg. The conference,
held in Arosa, Switzerland was quite successful and gathered
investigators from Europe and US.
After the global transformation to online format of living, I was
invited to speak at the online international conference of Detcon,
in Catalonia, Spain. I would not say that it was effortlessly since
the speech was in Spanish. I made an overview on the detective
industry in Russia and invited all participants to expand their
business internationally with opportunities of WAD. | June 2020 5