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                                Ryan Armijo                                              Carey Bond
                                Amwins Underwriting                                      Lloyd’s
                                Ryan Armijo currently serves as the                      Carey has over 30 years in the US
                                Chief Operating Officer of Amwins’                       Insurance Industry as a claims
                                Underwriting Division, supporting                        expert. His background includes a
                                11 operating companies. He is                            multi-line claims career handling
                                responsible for building technology                      Trucking, Litigation, Commercial and
                                platforms for the division’s programs,                   Residential Property, Construction
                                creating new underwriting capacities                     Defect, Workers Compensation and
              and partners, and driving operational efficiencies across   General Liability. Bond also served 30 years in the US Army/
              the division. Prior to joining the Underwriting Division,   Army Reserve, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel with combat
              Ryan was Vice President at Amwins Access where he built   tours to Iraq and Afghanistan. He received the Bronze Star
              out proprietary products, led underwriting data initiatives   as well as other military awards over his military career.
              and managed strategic carrier relationships.             He is currently the US Head of Claims for Lloyd’s. His focus
              Ryan specializes in Small Commercial Product Build, P&C   is impacting claims performance in the US as well as
              Underwriting and Technology/Insurtech. Previously, he    market development responsibilities.
              served as vice president of business development for
              Hamilton Insurance. Ryan received his MBA from the NYU
              Stern School of Business and his Bachelor’s degree in
              Finance from the University of Notre Dame.                                 Jim Blinn
                                                                                         Advisen, a Zywave Company
                                                                                         Jim Blinn is Executive Vice President
                                                                                         of Client Solutions at Advisen. In this
                                Desmond Bohan                                            role, Jim helps drive success with
                                BMS Re                                                   both new and existing Advisen clients.

                                Desmond Bohan joined BMS in                              He was previously responsible for the
                                July 2019 and currently serves                           global teams that develop and grow
                                as Executive Vice President on                           Advisen’s proprietary databases. He
                                the Origination Team, as well as       also worked closely with Advisen’s global sales & client
                                a member of the BMS Programs           management teams by directing Advisen’s consulting and
                                Specialty Practice and Head of the     content development engagements. He also leads the
                                Captives Specialty Practice. In this   popular quarterly D&O litigation webinar series. Jim joined
              capacity he focuses on production of new business, and   Advisen as a Principal in 2002. He previously served as a
              the growth and management of programs placement/         Managing Partner at Ernst & Young and worked at Reliance
              reinsurance across the US. He has accumulated 18         National in the Risk Management Services Division. Jim
              years of reinsurance experience, beginning in 2004 with   began his insurance career in 1980 as a Principal at
              Frates Reinsurance Intermediary. After 13 years with     Tillinghast where he worked for 11 years. Jim received a
              Frates, and eventually becoming co-majority shareholder,   Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and
              Desmond joined JLT Re as part of their acquisition of Frates.   Computer Science from Yale University, and he received
              Desmond focused on a wide range of property and casualty   his MBA from the Wharton School at the University of
              placements with a heavy specialization in MGA programs   Pennsylvania. He currently serves on the Board of Directors
              and captives. Desmond graduated from the University      of the Spencer Educational Foundation, and he is a
              of Connecticut with a B.S. in History and holds the CPCU   previous member of the Editorial Advisory Boards of Risk
              and ARe designations.                                    Management and The Self-Insurer magazines. Jim also co-
                                                                       authored the ARM 56 textbook, and he is a past Chairman
                                                                       of the Self-Insurance Institute of America.

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