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          is focused on success with the team, carriers,          Hunter Fausnacht,
          agency and business partners alike. and                 The Institutes
          possesses a high level of business and financial
          acumen. Mr. Brusoski’s vision is to position            Hunter Fausnacht
          Keystone as the number one insurance                    is President of
          franchisor of commercial insurance programs.            The Institutes
                                                                  Agents & Brokers
                                                                  Group. Fausnacht
                              ★★★★                                earned his
                                                                  bachelor’s degree
                                          Keith Captain,          in business, finance
                                          FirstChoice,            and marketing
                                          a MarshBerry            from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana
                                          Company                 University. He started his career with Rolls

                                          Keith Captain           Royce before joining Willis Towers Watson as
                                          is President of         an Assistant Vice President in 2011. He joined
                                          FirstChoice, a          The Institutes in 2017.
                                          Company.                                    ★★★★
                                          Under Keith’s
                                          leadership,             Jane Koppenheffer,
          FirstChoice has become one of the fastest               CPCU, AAM, ARP,
          growing networks in the country. Recognized             Are, Insurance
          as the second largest agency partnership                Alliance Network
          by Insurance Journal, FirstChoice has
          established agency relationships spanning               Jane is President
          across 32 states and growing. In his role, Keith        and CEO of
          was instrumental in establishing a smooth               Insurance Alliance
          integration between MarshBerry’s Platform               Network. Jane’s
          and First Choice Agents Alliance; a merger              insurance industry
          that further dominates and redefines the                experience spans
          agency partnership and aggregation space.               24 years spent
          Keith brings his experience as a leader in the          with a regional property-casualty insurance
          insurance industry where he builds strong and           company. Her responsibilities have included
          effective relationships with agents, carriers, and      a wide variety of Home Office and Field
          strategic partners. He’s committed to helping           responsibilities in Underwriting, Marketing and
          agencies increase revenue through education,            Product Development, Training, Operations,
          strategic planning, and leveraging technology.          and Information Technology.

                              ★★★★                                                    ★★★★

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