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the etiquette oF driven GaMe shootinG continued
• We do not charge overages and always try to exceed the target bag on each day. The Shoot Host and Head Keeper
work together to try to ensure each gun has a similar number of birds over them. This is not always easy as we are
dealing with wild creatures often in difficult weather conditions. In theory for a rough guide on a 300 bird 9 gun day
with 5 drives each gun should shoot 7 good birds on each drive. However my advice is to select your birds and shoot
only at birds you are comfortable with. On some days you will be “in it” and some days “out of it”. We all must
accept this can be the case. If you are “in it” all day, the other guns will know so it is better not to “rub it in”. Please
to do not stoop to taking low easy birds just to achieve your share of the bag.
• Meals and refreshments are the important social side of our shoot days. They give everyone the opportunity to meet
and enjoy each other’s company. Drinking should be kept to a minimum. If you drink too much to drive, it is also
too much to shoot safely.
• Mobile phones should be used in consideration to the other guns. Preferably between drives and certainly not on a
drive or at lunch.
• If you are unhappy with any aspect of your day. Moaning to the other guns will not improve the situation. Far better
to take it up with the Shoot Host or Head Keeper who can possibly do something about it on the day.
• At the end of the shoot day it is most important to tip the Head Keeper. The Shoot Host will give you a guide and as ever
tipping is discretionary. It is also most important to say goodbye to each gun. Rushing off without is not acceptable.
• If you have been invited as a guest a hand written thank you letter to your host soon after the shoot day is always
appreciated and you may be invited again!
neW to GaMe shootinG
Since the Shoot was established, anyone interested in taking up our sport has always been welcome to join us at Ripley
Sporting. I am now delighted to see that driven game shooting is increasing in popularity, particularly with ladies and
young people. We welcome new guns to any shoot day with our Novice & Practice Days designed particularly as an
introduction and are ideal for all ages.
Our Novice & Practice days are run as a normal shoot day but with a few extras. We start with breakfast and a shotgun
safety briefing from one of our instructors. All guns will then experience some non competitive clay pigeon shooting in
order to get your eye in before the real thing. Anyone new to or with limited driven game shooting experience should
either book one of our instructors or bring an experienced shot to stand with them
In the event of someone wishing to join the Shoot but does not have a UK Shotgun Certificate or Visitors Permit, he or
she may shoot with us by hiring a shotgun provided by and in the presence of one of our experienced instructors, some
prior notice is required. It is also most important that everyone shooting has the required £10 Million personal liability
insurance cover in place. (See Personal, Products and Cancellation Insurance on page 15).
The Guns will experience a typical driven days shooting and receive instruction and advice on all aspects of shotguns,
shooting and the etiquette of our sport. Anyone shooting is encouraged to bring a non shooting guest just to enjoy the day
and well behaved dogs are always welcome. In addition to the shooting all guns and their non shooting guests will take
breakfast, drinks breaks throughout the day, lunch in our Shoot Cabin and day will end with afternoon tea. The cost of
all meals and refreshments are included in the shoot fee. By the end of the day you should have a far better knowledge
of what to expect and what is expected of you in the driven game shooting field.
If you do not wish to shoot until you have experienced a shoot day, I invite anyone interested in shooting with us to join
one of our days as a non shooting guest.
I ask that anyone joining a shoot day should read my Risk Assessments on pages 21 to 24 of this brochure.
shotGun saFety
Any safe and sociable game shot is welcome to join our shoot days and we must all be very aware of the potential
danger a loaded shotgun can pose if used in an unsafe manner and observe all the basic safety rules of shooting in
order to avoid any accidents. This is essential and will not in any way compromise the success and enjoyment of your
shoot day. In this brochure I have tried to describe our Shoots and assess the potential risks on a shoot day at Ripley
Castle, Mountgarret, Eagle Hall and Ashfold Side or on Hardcastle or Heathfield Moors or on any shoot elsewhere and
everyone’s responsibility to try and avoid them. I ask that anyone joining a shoot day should read my Risk Assessments
on pages 21 to 24 of this brochure.