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hardcastle & heathField Moors
Our two Moors, Hardcastle & Heathfield are located in Nidderdale, one of the smallest and most scenic of our Dales in North
Yorkshire, cover approximately 4,000 acres near Greenhow just outside Pateley Bridge. Both Moors have SSSI status, Sites
of Special Scientific Interest. Traveling from Pateley Bridge to Grassington on the B6265 the two moors are to your right
before and after you travel through Greenhow Village with the entrance to Stump Cross Caves on the opposite side of the
road being the extent of the boundary. The two moors are approximately 25 minutes’ drive from the shoot at Ripley Castle.
HARDCASTLE MOOR which covers approximately 2,000 acres is made up of undulating moorland with good areas
of heather and some bent grassland together with a number of exciting gills. The grazing rights are in hand and are
restricted in order not to be detrimental to the heather or grouse.
The Moor has a very well equipped Shoot Box which was purpose built during the 1850’s. It includes a spacious room
with two log fires for the guns and their guests and will seat up to 20 people, it has a kitchen, toilet and a separate room
for our keepers and beaters.
The Moor, which borders the B6265 has 4 lines of stone butts in excellent condition and a line of hurdles, giving an
option of 5 main drives plus the infamous Harrison’s Gill which will test even the most competent of shots!
We normally field 9 guns. A wide gill and stream divides Hardcastle and Heathfield Moors known as Merryfield Gill.
We do fly birds over this gill in the late season when they are strong and fully mature producing some awesome shooting.
In a good season we will field 10 days and hope for an average of 100 brace each day.
HEATHFIELD MOOR covers approximately 2,000 acres and is practically wall to wall heather with a little bent
grassland. It has been farmed and burned with due consideration to the quality of heather, which is not overgrazed, in
order to achieve good breeding conditions for the grouse.
Acre for acre past records show this to be the most productive grouse moor in Nidderdale.
There are 6 lines of butts/pegs which will stand up to 10 guns giving a variety of 7 drives. At present we field 9 guns.
When I took the Moor I was advised by some of my grouse shooting friends that the speed and sporting quality of the
grouse on Heathfield Moor are the finest they had experienced anywhere. I now know this to be correct as on most days
the grouse show us who is in control.
During 2006 with the agreement of English Nature, now Natural England, and with the financial assistance of my
landlords we re-instated an old track across the moor from Merryfield Gill. We are now able to access the whole of both
moors from the Shoot Box on Hardcastle Moor.
In a good season we will field 10 days and hope for an average of 90 brace each day.
Grouse on Heathfield Moor