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introduction to riPley sPortinG

            by Frank Boddy

            Much has happened since issuing our 2015 brochure.  Now supposedly in
            retirement! I find I have a little more time available to indulge myself in my
            favourite hobby of running Shoots!

            I am delighted to advise I have been very fortunate in taking the Sporting
            Lease on the Mountgarret Shoot.  This is a real gem which I propose running
            as a stand alone shoot.

            Ripley  Sporting  is  a  group  of  traditional  driven  game  shoots  and  grouse
            moors.      Established  in  1995  it  is  made  up  of  three  driven  pheasant  and
            partridge Shoots and two driven grouse Moors.  Our parkland and farmland
            shooting around Ripley Castle covers over 7,000 acres and includes four
            estates, Ripley Castle, part of Nidd, Hob Green and Cayton Estates together
            with  land  leased  from  neighbouring  farmers  plus  our  new  Mountgarret
            Shoot, bordering Ripley Castle, which covers 2,000 acres.

            Near Pateley Bridge, 25 minutes’ drive from Ripley, we have the Eagle Hall and Ashfold Side Shoot which covers
            3,000 acres of high ground pheasant and partridge shooting, this also includes some moorland edge drives below our
            grouse moors.  Finally we have our little piece of heaven with Hardcastle and Heathfield Moors which gives us over
            4,000 acres of some of the finest grouse shooting anywhere – so I am told!  That is providing we have the grouse!

            Ripley Sporting employs 12 full time staff ; 4 at Ripley Castle, 2 at Mountgarret, 5 on our Moors and at Eagle Hall
            & Ashfold Side plus our secretary.  These together with a number of part time staff, which includes retired keepers
            and tradesmen who are invaluable to the Shoot, plus on each shoot day approximately 25 beaters and pickers up,
            make up our team who are dedicated to making each shoot day a success.

            After shooting driven game for more years than I would like to admit to, mainly in God’s own Country, our beautiful
            North Yorkshire countryside.  I have found that every shoot is different and have their own way of presenting a shoot
                                                                           day.  On our shoots, although the shooting is
                                                                           important, there are a number of other factors
                                                                           which I feel are just as important on the day.

                                                                           The majority of us take a day’s shooting not
                                                                           only  for  some  challenging  birds  but  also  to
                                                                           forget  about  work,  enjoy  the  countryside
                                                                           and  meet  old  and  new  friends.    With  this  in
                                                                           mind my fellow Shoot Hosts, Nigel Graham,
                                                                           Christopher Orme, Stuart Thompson and Jonny
                                                                           Dimsdale, my Head Keepers, George Reap at
                                                                           Eagle Hall &  Ashfold Side and our Moors,
                                                                           David  Cockshott  at  Ripley  Castle,  Martin
                                                                           Nesham at Mountgarret and myself always try
                                                                           to create a relaxed atmosphere for everyone to
                                                                           enjoy  their  day  by  ensuring  everything  runs
                                                                           smoothly  with  excellent  hospitality  together
                                                                           with some memorable shooting.
                                     Bonny and Coco

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