Page 12 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
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In March 2013, KST, a partnership between Kagiso Trust and the then Shanduka Foundation – now known as the Cyril Ramaphosa
Foundation – was formed, becoming one of the largest public-private partnerships in Education in South Africa. KST aimed to develop
a project that leverages the methodologies and best practices of both Kagiso Trust’s Beyers Naude School Development Programme
(BNSDP) and Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation’s Adopt-a-School Foundation. The result was an integrated whole school development
model, addressing infrastructure development, curriculum support, social welfare and leadership, which could be implemented
at a district level. KST partnered with the Free State Department of Education, whose commitment to this project has remained
unequivocal. The collaboration has piloted this holistic model in the Motheo (Thaba Nchu and Botshabelo) and Fezile Dabi districts in
the Free State province.
wheRe we ARe rate of 91.8%. The Free State Province was environment. Since 2013, it has built
todAy 1st nationally in the following subjects: 117 new facilities and renovated over
Accounting, Physical Science, Maths
70 school buildings. It has created 1145
KST is in its fourth year of implementing Literacy and Geography and 2nd nationally jobs and supported 179 small community
the District Whole School Development in Mathematics. businesses.
Programme in partnership with the Free
State Department of Education (FSDoE). This has created positive pressure for both The Trust has received grants from De
There are currently 234 schools engaged in FSDoE and KST to ensure that success is Beers Mines and the Japanese Embassy
the project. sustained well into 2017 and beyond. towards infrastructure development in
three schools in the programme.
The partnership has contributed to This year, KST successfully launched
the success of improving teaching and Information and Communication In 2016, KST also successfully extended its
learning outcomes; and changing the Technology (ICT) programmes in 59 eyesight testing programme to a further 20
culture within the selected districts and secondary schools across the two districts. primary schools, bringing the total number
schools. The Free State achieved a 93.2% The ICT programmes focus on Economic of eyesight tests conducted to 26 141. This
pass rate, the highest Grade 12 pass rate Management Science (EMS), Mathematics programme will continue in partnership
in the 2016 National Senior Certificate and Physical Science. with the Department of Basic Education
examinations, among all the provinces in (DBE) to include further screening,
the country. Fezile Dabi was the 3rd top Infrastructure development remains provision of spectacles, and referral letters
performing district nationally with a pass a critical part of the model in order for those requiring medical attention.
to improve the teaching and learning
R236 234 304 953
million Schools Learners