Page 10 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 10

the tRue meAning of life is to plAnt tRees, undeR whose
          shAde you do not expect to sit – nelson hendeRson

          In 15 years, Adopt-a-School Foundation   contributions that have resulted in this   our processes and then mobilising others
          can enumerate the classrooms and libraries   impact, we are continuously focused on   to support us. This past year, we piloted
          built, the science experiments conducted,   improving our operations and broadening   our first auditory and speech programme
          and the teachers developed. We can attest   our reach. Our mission to provide all children  in a school in Mpumalanga and one in the
          to the millions invested in collaboration   with the opportunity to access quality   Northern Cape and we extended our Health,
          with private individuals and companies and   education, regardless of their birthplace,   Sanitation and Sexual Awareness programme
          we can celebrate the individuals whose   remains as critical as ever.           which has intensified its impact to  reach 4
          lives have been changed as a result of their                                    190 learners in 14 schools in seven provinces
          quality of schooling.                   A challenging economic climate has resulted   this past year.
          While we celebrate these achievements   in Adopt-a-School reviewing its fundraising
          and acknowledge the partnerships and    strategy to diversify funding streams and   Together with our long-term corporate
                                                          harness new opportunities. Our   partner, the Industrial Development
                                                          key fundraising strategy is to build   Corporation, we have piloted ICT education
                                                          a reserve fund that will ensure   programmes in eight different schools, each
                                                          that our services can continue   taking a different approach based on their
                                                          unaffected in challenging financial   location and accessibility.
                                                                                          These programmes are highlighted in this
                                                          It is this forward thinking approach   annual report.
                                                          that will ensure that Adopt-a-
                                                          School Foundation continues to   In 2017, we launched the Thari Programme
                                                          fulfil its mandate of supporting   in support of vulnerable women and
                                                          our country’s most marginalised   children. Funded by Cyril Ramaphosa
                                                          schools.                        Foundation, this programme is being piloted
                                                                                          in the Botshabelo community in Free State
                                                          It is becoming increasingly     and Diepsloot in Gauteng. The programme
                                                          important for Adopt-a-School    has taken a multi-sectoral approach and
                                                          to be bold and innovative in    involves a collaboration of stakeholders
                                                          its approach to development.    aimed at ensuring a harmonised approach
                                                          We believe in identifying the   to address social factors that impact the
                                                          underlying challenges, piloting new  vulnerability of women and children. In
                                                          models, learning and reviewing   2017 and 2018, this programme will provide

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