Page 9 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
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A key turning point in Adopt-a-School greatest achievements of the past year has Thank you for walking this journey with us.
Foundation’s 15-year journey was the been the extension of its partner network. All
realisation that the value of a school is not in of its achievements, detailed in this report, Cyril Ramaphosa
its buildings, but in its people. As our insight are a result of collaborative efforts between
into this concept has developed, so our individuals, private organisations, school
competency and capacity has grown and communities, public benefit organisations
our Whole School Development Model has and government departments. It is the
taken shape. shared belief in education as a critical driver
of social and economic change that gives Chairperson
The nature of the Whole School me great confidence in the prospects for Adopt-a-School Foundation
Development model has ensured that the South African school children.
Foundation stays relevant and robust. What
is also becoming more and more evident is In 2017, Adopt-a-School Foundation
the extent to which socio-economic issues celebrates 15 years of service to South
affect a child’s ability to learn effectively. As African schools. When we opened our
such, it is necessary that Adopt-a-School is in doors in 2002, our vision was clear: to assist
a position to address the critical social issues schools that are in need by mobilising
that face our learners. society to invest in education through
the creation of conducive teaching
In 2017, Adopt-a-School piloted its first social and learning environments in
issues programme aimed at supporting South Africa’s most marginalised
women and children. Funded by the Cyril schools.
Ramaphosa Foundation, this programme
aims to ensure that schools are able to In 15 years, we have worked
provide a safe environment that is inclusive, in over 440 schools,
free from violence, is academically effective, impacting on the lives of
gender sensitive and promotes health and hundreds of thousands
well-being. The programme is an extension of school children and
of Adopt-a-School’s existing efforts to their families. Our vision
address the social and emotional issues remains more relevant than
that are impacting on school children. It ever. Education is the best
has resulted in the development of a social weapon at our disposal to
welfare department within the organisation, eradicate poverty and the role
with experienced social workers supporting of Adopt-a-School Foundation
our existing work in schools. remains a critical one.
One of Adopt-a-School Foundation’s