Page 6 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
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About this AnnuAl RepoRt
Adopt-a-School Foundation is a custodian Adopt-a-School Foundation is a partner change that improves lives and creates
of private-sector funding for education entity of Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation (CRF), opportunities in the communities it serves.
development and is committed to formerly known as Shanduka Foundation.
accountable and transparent investment Other partner entities and projects of Cyril I hope you enjoy reading our 2016/2017
processes. Ramaphosa Foundation include Kagiso Annual Report.
Shanduka Trust, Thari Programme, Cyril
This Annual Report is a platform for the Ramaphosa Education Trust and Shanduka Steven Lebere
Foundation to share some of its highlights of Black Umbrellas, each of which is dedicated Executive Director
the previous year, to acknowledge new and to the upliftment of South Africans. CRF is
existing partnerships, and recognise and pay an independent non-profit organisations
tribute to the schools with which we work. with the vision to be a trusted, innovative
This is our primary report to our stakeholders. and effective agent of social and economic
The information herein is relevant to our
donors, strategic partners, government
organisations, non-governmental
organisations and greater communities, and
covers the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June
2017. The financial statements have been Urban Rural Total
audited by PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Mozambique 0 1 1
The statistics in this Annual Report are Limpopo 3 13 16
Mpumalanga 5 8 13
inclusive of the work done through
the Kagiso Shanduka Trust (KST), South Gauteng 46 23 51
North West
Africa’s largest private-public partnership, Free State 7 0 7
of which Adopt-a-School Foundation is KwaZulu-Natal 7 46 53
the implementing partner. The financial Lesotho 0 4 4
statements do not include the financial Northern Cape 0 8 8
investment of KST, as this is managed 10 10 20
independently through the Trust. KST Western Cape 6 0 6
produces its own annual report with its own Total 88 118 206
audited financial statements which can be Schools adopted Schools adopted
in South Africa in other countries
accessed via its website,