Page 173 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 173

          for the year ended 30 June 2017

          3     financial instruments

                financial instruments by category

                 Figures in Rands                                                   30 June 2017
                                                                                   Financial Assets   Financial
                                                                    Loans and       at fair value    Liabilities at
                                                                    receivables    through profit     amortised
                                                                                      and loss          costs            Total
                                                                       R                R                R                R
                 Assets as per balance sheet
                 Trade and other receivables                        2 974 106              -                 -        2 974 106
                 Equity-linked Instrument                                  -         1 400 000               -        1 400 000
                 Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss    -         3 732 094               -        3 732 094
                 Cash and cash equivalents                         28 583 676              -                 -       28 583 676
                 Total                                             31 557 782       5 132 094                -      36 689 876

                 Liabilities as per balance sheet
                 Trade and other payables excluding non-financial liabilities   -          -            890 616        890 616
                 Total                                                     -               -           890 616        890 616

                 Figures in Rands                                                   30 June 2016
                                                                                   Financial Assets   Financial
                                                                    Loans and       at fair value    Liabilities at
                                                                    receivables    through profit     amortised
                                                                                      and loss          costs            Total
                                                                       R                R                R                R
                 Assets as per balance sheet
                 Trade and other receivables                        3 039 936              -                 -        3 039 936
                 Equity-linked Instrument                                  -         1 800 000               -        1 800 000
                 Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss    -         2 097 924               -        2 097 924
                 Cash and cash equivalents                          36 432 209             -                 -       36 432 209
                 Total                                             39 472 145       3 897 924                -      43 370 069

                 Liabilities as per balance sheet
                 Trade and other payables excluding non-financial liabilities   -          -            767 578        767 578
                 Total                                                     -               -           767 578        767 578

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