Page 20 - 2024 August Report
P. 20
Activity 2: Disseminate the video via audiologists, CI centers, and CSPs to convey to parents that their children who are D/HH can listen, speak, and learn.
• Progress: This has been accomplished directly as these parties have been contacted by T2M and FHR personnel and via our website and public YouTube site -
Activity 3: As acceptance of T2M builds, adjust pricing from introductory levels for counties and/or state agencies toward $300/family/year.
• Progress: We are not yet at the stage to charge for T2M. Our priority is to support and evaluate progress of users along the MVPL, establish best practices and good relationships with CSPs, and assemble information for a go-to-market plan.
• Measure success by the number of families using T2M, number of CSPs participating as coaches, program revenues, and volume of inquiries from families seeking LSL for their children.
• Progress: User and CSP count is recorded above. As previously reported, the team, its advisors, and FHR’s Board of Directors agreed that production quality and user experience are more important than rapid development and rollout. An excellent user experience, including clear progress of users’ children toward listening and spoken language goals, will be important to encourage users to continue using T2M through more than 100 ultimate lessons. Our application for this grant stated that the pace of program development might be slowed to ensure product quality and positive user experience.
Goal #4 for Year 3* (optional)
Goal: Build toward a future sustainable model.
Activities for Year 3:
• Activity 1: Refine and add modules following user demand and usage patterns.
• Progress: 63 modules constituting the MVLP were competed. Curriculum and outline of
approximately 20 additional lessons have been written, but those lessons have not been put into production pending receipt of additional development funding and further perspective of user and coach practices from usage of the MVPL.
• Activity 2: Support families and coaches.
• Progress: T2M team therapists and curriculum and outreach experts staff the Help
Desk, which supports and closely tracks user and coach progress. As we establish best practices and expand the number of users and coaches, we will deploy to inform, scale, and track support.
• Activity 3: Incorporate multilingual/multicultural support as those modules are developed and deployed.
• Progress: As discussed above, T2M modules in languages other than English will be generated at a later point, following build out of the entire product line and additional experience supporting and enhancing user progress and implementing the core go-to- market plan. We expect English language modules to be useful as curriculum for CSPs
Page 18 August Report