Page 3 - Technical Saw Palmetto Booklet
P. 3
MTC Industries, Inc.
Herbsine Bioengineering Co., Ltd.
Saw palmetto oil has a unique anti-prostatic hypertrophy effect, but its origin has been
questioned repeatedly. Based on USP, EP, and other authoritative data, we have tested
the products from the main markets to analyze various parameters and try to make the
report to be objective. All these data reflect the differences of oil and we will try to
find a simple and reliable way to identify authenticity of saw palmetto oil.
1. USP 31-40
2. EP 9.0
3. The Ultimate Way to Win the Fight against Saw Palmetto Extract Adulteration,
Test Projects:
★★★★★ ★★★ ★
Content of fatty acids Content of sterols Heavy metals
Acid value Iodine value Color
HPTLC Unsaponifiable matter Relative density
DNA Sapnification Value Refractive Index
Residual solvents
Cloud point, Freezing point
★ Refers to importance we think for testing
Sample Source Batch No. Batch in Brochure
US-SPO 171023 UV-171023
EU-SPO 0100313201 EE-1800628
SN-SPO 180401 SN-180401
Table-0 Sample and batch number
Testing organization:
1. Eurofins
2. SGS
3. NSF
4. Tru-ID Lab
5. Northwest University
6. Xi’an Jiaotong University
255 Oser Ave., Hauppauge, NY 11788 Tel: 631-274-4818 1/28