Page 24 - UHN-RR2022
P. 24


              Taking Flight

               Test flights lead to world’s first successful autonomous

               drone delivery of donor lung for transplantation


               A COLLABORATIVE EFFORT                            DRONE LUNG DELIVERY A WORLD FIRST
               The world’s first drone delivery of a donor lung   “This milestone took a lot of brilliant minds
               for transplantation was led by Techna’s Surgility   and behind-the-scenes teamwork,” says Jimmy
               program at UHN. The team, which focuses on        Qiu, Engineering Manager at Techna’s Surgility
               overcoming hurdles to technology use in health    program. His team oversaw the successful delivery
               care, worked closely with an array of partners:   of a donor lung from Toronto Western Hospital
               •  Canadian biotechnology aviation companies      to Toronto General Hospital, where it was
                 Unither Bioelectronics and Aurora Aerial;       transplanted into a patient—who happens to be an
               •  UHN facilities, security and legal departments,   engineer and drone enthusiast—in September 2021.
                 which provided operations support;
               •  HighCloud Solutions Télépilotées, which shared   This achievement was a culmination of over two
                 their expertise in operating drones in complex   years of test flights, planning and logistics. “Many
                 urban environments;                             times, we lose a life-saving organ because we can’t
               •  the Trillium Gift of Life Network, which       get to it in time, or we can’t get it back before the
                 oversees organ and tissue donation in Ontario,   organ deteriorates and is no longer suitable for
                 and provided funding for the project; and       transplant,” explains Ajmera Transplant Centre
               •  the Ontario Ministry of Health, Transport      Medical Director, Dr. Atul Humar. The success of
                 Canada and NAV CANADA.                          this project paves the way for faster, more efficient
                                                                 and environmentally friendly organ delivery.
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