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                Seeing Critically

               Teaching critical reflection can help health care workers

               to become better advocates for their patients

                ABOUT THE RESEARCH TEAM                          KEY FINDINGS
               “The most exciting aspect of this project was the   The results revealed that teaching critical reflection
                team,” says Dr. Nicole Woods. “We had critical   can shift the focus of health care professionals
                pedagogy theorists, statisticians, students and   towards more collaborative, compassionate and
                cognitive psychologists. Everyone brought a      equitable ways of thinking. The team tested the
                different lens.” Dr. Stella Ng adds, “These      approach in a group of students from various
                different perspectives led us to use an innovative   health care professions. The students attended an
                approach. Other studies on critical pedagogy do   online module focusing on social determinants of
                not test hypotheses in real-life settings. This is not   health, followed either by a reflective or a critically
                common in the field, so our approach really speaks   reflective dialogue exercise. The study revealed
                to how interdisciplinary our team is.”           that those who took part in the critically reflective
                                                                 exercise were more likely to dig deeper and
                                                                 consider how a patient’s unique situation, systemic
                                                                 barriers or relationships affect care.

                                                                 Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2022 Jan 1. doi: 10.1007/
                                                                 s10459-021-10087-2. Supported by the Arrell Family Chair
                                                                 in Health Professions Teaching, an Ontario Early Researcher
                                                                 Award, and Women’s College Hospital Centre for Ambulatory
                                                                 Care Education.
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