Page 25 - UHN-RR2022
P. 25

Q&A Stephanie Williams                            Research Highlights

                                                                 TECHNA 2.0

                                                                 In 2022, Dr. Shaf Keshavjee was appointed as
               What brought you to UHN?                          Techna Scientific Director and Chief of Clinical
               My passion is engineering. After completing a     Innovation at UHN. These roles will advance
               Bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering at the   UHN’s commitment to translating world-class
               University of Guelph, I applied for a job in the   discoveries into treatments and technologies. The
               Surgility program and joined during the pandemic.   appointments follow Dr. Keshavjee’s 12-year
                                                                 tenure as UHN’s Surgeon-in-Chief. Under his
               During your childhood, what got you               guidance, Techna will be transformed from a
                interested in science?                           research institute into a technology accelerator
               I had a great childhood. Both of my parents are   platform. Full Story
               engineers, so they always challenged me and
               my sister to learn. An unconventional game that   AUGMENTED REALITY FOR SURGERY
               they devised for road trips involved asking math
               questions, where the right answer won you a
               potato chip.

               How would you describe what you do to
                someone without a scientific background?
               I discover new things by applying science and
               math to the real world. It’s not as far-fetched or as
               difficult as one might expect.
                                                                 (L-R) Drs. Jonathan Irish and Axel Sahovaler
               Why engineering?                                  found that augmented reality can serve as a
               Every day is an adventure. A typical day for me   powerful tool to help guide surgeons. Current
               could involve computer coding, 3D modeling and    image-guided surgical systems require surgeons
               testing of our designs. In short, we design, build,   to look back and forth between the patient and a
               test, often fail, and repeat until it works.      computer screen. Using augmented reality enables
                                                                 the image to be projected directly on the patient.
               How do you stay positive when a design fails?     When augmented reality was added to a surgical
               There is always a silver lining to failure. When   navigation system, the error rate in a simulated
               setbacks force you to try a different approach, you   surgery dropped from 1.2% to 0%. Full Story /
               can often find solutions that are even better than   Scientific Article / Podcast Interview
               what you had originally hoped for.

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