Page 44 - UHN-RR2022
P. 44


                Navigating Change

               Building resilience, flexibility and strength in the face of global challenges

               Over the past year, our community faced global    the Institute. The data will be used to fuel
               crises, uncertainty and change. Despite these     the development of personalized therapies.
               challenges, UHN Foundation rose to the occasion   The Schroeder Pain Assessment and
               by fundraising $156 million and contributing      Rehabilitation Research Centre ($7.2 million)
               $112.4 million to UHN. This support is enabling   will be based at the KITE Research Institute
               our exceptional medical staff, trainees and       and led by Dr. Dinesh Kumbhare. It will enable
               researchers to advance care and discovery. With   world-class chronic pain research to be integrated
               over 109,000 donations this year, many of us,     into care for the first time in Canada.
               including patients whose lives have been touched
               by these efforts, are humbled and grateful. Below   • Donald K. Johnson made an extraordinary
               we highlight just a few of the unwavering donor   $50 million investment to his namesake Donald K.
               commitments and how they are transforming care:   Johnson Eye Institute—the largest gift to vision
                                                                 research in Canada. His donation will provide
               • Two new investments made by Walter and          long-term funding so that the Institute can
               Maria Schroeder build on their historic $25       continue to attract world-class talent, accelerate
               million donation in 2020 that established the     vision research and improve patient care.
               Schroeder Arthritis Institute. These investments
               enabled the launch of two centres. The Schroeder   • Helga and Antonio De Gasperis continued
               Arthritis Advanced Therapy Centre ($6             a long tradition of supporting UHN with a
               million) will enable researchers Drs. Sowmya      new $10 million gift to advance care, education
               Viswanathan, Christopher Kim and Christian        and research to improve outcomes for patients
               Veillette to track the outcomes of every patient   suffering from acute and chronic disease in the
               that receives advanced osteoarthritis care at     areas of arthritis, spinal disease and cancer.

                GRAND CRU                                        CAR K ARAOKE FOR STEM CELLS
               The 17  annual Grand Cru Culinary Wine            Participants recorded karaoke performances and
               Festival raised $5 million through four events    shared them to raise over $600,000 for cardiac stem
                at homes in Toronto. The funds supported         cell research led by Drs. Gordon Keller and Michael
                the work of Dr. Tirone David.                    Laflamme at the McEwen Stem Cell Institute.

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