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               Dr. Andres Lozano                                Dr. York Pei
               Dandy Medal, Walter E. Dandy Neurosurgical       2020 Medal for Research Excellence, The Kidney
                 Society                                          Foundation of Canada

               Dr. Sonya MacParland                             Dr. Quynh Pham
               Early Researcher Award,                          2021 Research Fellow in Compassion and Artificial
                 Government of Ontario                            Intelligence, Associated Medical Services
               Tier 2 Canada Research
                 Chair in Liver
                 Immunobiology (new)                            Dr. Milica Radisic
                                                                Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Organ-on-a-Chip
                                                                  Engineering (advancement)

               Dr. Alex Mihailidis
               Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences      Dr. Yoga Raja Rampersaud
                                                                2021 Chiropractic Champion
                                                                  Award, Ontario
               Dr. Tatyana Mollayeva                              Chiropractic Association
               Fellow, Global Brain Health Institute

               Dr. Sarah Munce
               2021 Research Fellow in Compassion and Artificial   Dr. Linda Rapson
                 Intelligence, Associated Medical Services      2021 Dr. Rogers Prize for Excellence in
                                                                  Complementary and Alternative Medicine

               Dr. Kristin Musselman
               Medal of Distinction,                            Dr. Nancy Salbach
                 Canadian Physiotherapy                         Medal of Distinction, Canadian Physiotherapy
                 Association                                      Association
               Tier 2 Canada Research
                 Chair in Multi-
                 morbidity and Complex                          Dr. Aaron Schimmer
                 Rehabilitation (new)                           2021 Harrington Scholar-Innovator, Harrington
                                                                  Discovery Institute
                                                                Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
               Dr. Faiyaz Notta
               Early Researcher Award, Government of Ontario
                                                                Dr. Walter Swardfager
                                                                Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Clinical
               Dr. Amit Oza                                       Pharmacology of Cognitive Neurovascular
               Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences        Disorders (new)

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