Page 37 - UHN-RR2022
P. 37

Q&A Aizhou Wang                                   Research Highlights

                                                                 FORECASTING COMPLICATIONS

                                                                 A research team led by Drs. Ana Konvalinka
               If your younger self could see what you do        and Tereza Martinu identified protein markers
               now, would they be surprised?                     that can predict which transplant recipients will
               I grew up in Chongqing, China, which is a         experience a potentially deadly complication called
               mountain city in the centre of the country. When   chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD). Using
               I was a kid, my dream job was a bus driver. It    machine learning, the team examined the protein
               sounds funny, but I really did love how the bus   levels in lung tissues from healthy individuals and
               driver helped so many different people get to     those with CLAD. The algorithm had an accuracy
               where they needed to go. So, yes, I do think it   of 97% for predicting who would develop CLAD.
               would be a big surprise.                          Full Story / Scientific Article

               What led you to a career in medical research?     ADDED BENEFITS OF DIABETES DRUG
               Although my parents were both meteorologists
               and involved in science, they let me choose my
               own path. What they did help foster in me was a
               curiosity and general interest in science. I think
               that I really made the leap and chose science
               in high school because of a really great biology
               teacher that I had. This led me to choose a major in
               health science in university.

               What do you enjoy doing outside of work?          A clinical trial with participants from over 500
               I love bicycling. I would consider myself a cycling   sites in 34 countries revealed the long-term effects
               enthusiast—a passion that I picked up when I      of the recently approved type 2 diabetes drug
               joined the lab. I bike to work most days and, as   ertugliflozin on the kidneys. Study investigator Dr.
               a lab, we do cycling events, including 100 km     David Cherney (pictured) explains, “We found
               ‘century rides’. I also love fixing bikes. Before   that patients treated with ertugliflozin experience
               rides, I am often the bike doctor and the one doing   a 34% reduction in overall risk for negative kidney
               tune-ups for the team. Curiosity is something that   outcomes.” Remarkably, the team also found that
               drives me: figuring out how to fix a bike is in a way   treatment with ertugliflozin improved the ability
               like what we do in the lab when we explore how to   of the kidneys to prevent the leakage of protein
               repair lungs.                                     into the urine. Full Story / Scientific Article

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