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Awards and Distinctions

               Selected honours awarded to UHN researchers

               Dr. Jacqueline Bender                            Dr. Vincy Chan
               2021 Early Career Investigator Award, Canadian   2021 Deborah L. Wilkerson Early Career Award,
                 Association of Psychosocial Oncology             American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine

               Dr. Mamatha Bhat                                 Dr. Angela Cheung
               2021 Basic Science Career                        2021 Best Health Women of the Year, Reader’s
                 Development Award,                               Digest Magazines
                 American Society of
               Early Researcher Award,                          Dr. Ki Jinn Chin
                 Government of Ontario                          Presidential Scholar Award, American Society of
                                                                  Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

               Dr. Venkat Bhat
               2021 Research Fellow in Compassion and Artificial   Dr. Catharine Craven
                 Intelligence, Associated Medical Services      Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

               Dr. Sandra Black                                 Dr. Michael Crump
               2021 Margolese National Brain Disorders Prize,   2021 Dr. Joseph Pater Excellence in Clinical Trials
                 University of British Columbia Faculty of        Research Award, Canadian Cancer Trials Group

                                                                Dr. Daniel De Carvalho
               Dr. Scott Bratman                                2021 Inventor of the Year,
               2021 Inventor of the Year, University Health       University Health
                 Network                                          Network
                                                                Tier 2 Canada Research Chair
                                                                  in Cancer Epigenetics
               Dr. Yvonne Buys                                    and Epigenetic Therapy
               Mel Mitzel Research Excellence                     (renewal)
                 Award, Glaucoma Research
                 Society of Canada
               International Scholar Award,                     Dr. John Dick
                 American Glaucoma Society                      AACR Award for Outstanding Achievement in
                                                                  Blood Cancer Research, American Association
                                                                  for Cancer Research

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