Page 42 - UHN-RR2022
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                Empowering Research

               Donors fuel innovation and discovery in the quest to conquer cancer

               Our passionate community of supporters has        Cancer Centre to launch the Allan Slaight
               continued to show their commitment to the vision   Breakthrough Forum, an annual event that will
               of Conquering Cancer In Our Lifetime. Through     bring together the world’s leading cancer scientists
               their support, The Princess Margaret Cancer       to promote collaboration in cancer discovery. As
               Foundation delivered a record-breaking $161       part of this, $1 million in collaborative research
               million to further life-saving cancer research and   funding will be awarded annually to other leading
               patient care. A few of our major milestones are   cancer researchers in Canada.
               highlighted below.
                                                                 MINING FOR DEEP INSIGHTS
                $50M CLOSER TO OUR GOAL                          Yamana Gold Inc. made a generous $4 million gift
               A transformational $50 million gift from La       to create the Yamana Gold Research Acceleration
               Fondation Emmanuelle Gattuso and The Slaight      Fund, which provides seed funding for high-risk,
               Family Foundation is helping scientists at the    high-reward research projects with the greatest
               Princess Margaret Cancer Centre to continue       potential to help patients. The fund was created
               making world-changing breakthroughs in cancer     alongside the Yamana Gold Discovery to Impact
               research. Their gift enabled the establishment    Grant and two Yamana Gold Cancer Research
               of the Allan Slaight Breakthrough Fund, which     Fellowships. The first recipients of the inaugural
               will support innovative, unconventional and       annual Yamana Gold Discovery to Impact Grant
               creative approaches to cancer research. The gift   are Senior Scientists Drs. Rama Khokha and
               was made in honour of the late business legend    Thomas Kislinger, and Clinician Investigator
               and philanthropist Allan Slaight by his wife,     Dr. Hal Berman, whose research explores new
               Emmanuelle Gattuso, and his son, Gary Slaight.    strategies to prevent breast cancer in high-risk
               The funds will also enable the Princess Margaret   patients by targeting fatty acid metabolism.

                LOTTERIES RAISE MILLIONS                         RIDE TO CONQUER CANCER
               The Princess Margaret Home Lottery and the        The 2021 Enbridge  Ride to Conquer Cancer
               Princess Margaret Cottage Lottery raised $91.7    was a hybrid event. It raised $9.4 million and
               million to fuel life-saving cancer research.      4,000 people participated in the ride.
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