Page 36 - UHN-RR2022
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              The Future Now

               Two studies offer a sneak peek into the future of organ transplantation

                ABOUT THE RESEARCH TEAMS                         This new standard could provide the precious time
               The two studies featured here were led by former   needed to transport and transplant the organ. The
                postdoctoral researcher Dr. Aadil Ali and        second study, led by Dr. Aizhou Wang, revealed
                research associate Dr. Aizhou Wang in the        a way to change the blood type of donor organs—
                lab of Dr. Marcelo Cypel. Both authors closely   an important step towards creating universal
                collaborated with a wide range of experts, such   organs that would be compatible with all patients.
                as pathologists, hepatologists and immunologists.   The study made use of the made-in-Toronto
               Key collaborators included: Dr. Ana Andreazza,    Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion system, which pumps
                a mitochondrial metabolism expert at the         nourishing fluids through donor organs outside of
                University of Toronto; Dr. Lori West, a          the body before transplant.
                cardiologist and transplant immunologist at the
                University of Alberta; and Dr. Stephen Withers,   Study 1: Sci Trans Med. 2022 Feb 16. doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.
                a biochemist at the University of British Columbia.  abm7190. Study 2: Sci Trans Med. 2021 Sept 15. doi: 10.1126/
                                                                 scitranslmed.abf7601. Both studies were supported by UHN
                                                                 Foundation and Ajmera Transplant Centre. The first study
                KEY FINDINGS                                     was also supported by the Di Poce Transplant Fund, the
               The first study, led by Dr. Aadil Ali, could have   Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences
               wide-reaching effects on donor organ availability.   and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Toronto
               The team found that storing lungs at 10  C, rather   General Hospital Research Institute. The second study was also
                than the 4  C ‘gold standard’ storage temperature,   supported by Latner Thoracic Surgery Research Laboratories.
                doubles the time that they can be safely preserved.   M Cypel holds a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Lung

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