Page 37 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 37

I  learned not to fear the unknown, but to explore opportunities...

                                                          Usha has always been passionate about contributing to   to fear the unknown, but to explore opportunities which
          Managing Director BEESCORE Pty Ltd
                                                          a world in  which women and  other oppressed/minority   might have a positive impact on my future. This helped
                                                          groups were granted equal rights, and where family laws that   me get to where I am today.”
                sha Jivan is a 61-year-old single mum with two   empower women and children were upheld. This passion
                children – a son, aged 35, and a daughter of 33. She   fuelled her decision to become a lawyer and encouraged   Usha says that she has been personally involved in all areas
         Usays that raising her children, though filled with   her to spend time on pro bono cases focusing on women   of the business since 2015. “Working on my business has
          many challenges as a single parent, has been her greatest   empowerment and in family/divorce mediation cases.   resulted in effective handover of many of my tasks to my
          achievement to date. Usha’s son has gone on to become                                            efficient managers and administrators, which has had a
          an investment banker and venture capitalist across Africa,   Usha has published in “Street Law” manuals for learners   positive impact on my accomplishments in the recent years.”
          while her daughter is a counselling psychologist practicing   and educators. Street Law is a tool used to improve the
          in Johannesburg.                                lives of communities. These strategies give the children   Playing our part
                                                          opportunities to practice their speaking skills, improve
          Usha studied law and, after completing her articles of   their literacy, and give teachers the confidence to delve   A vision that Usha and her team share is that they are
          clerkship, was in legal practice for four years. In 1994,   into some controversial topics.      committed to playing their part in actively promoting the
          she was offered a lecturing position at the University of                                        intended spirit of the BEE codes to support the businesses
          Durban-Westville where she lectured on various subjects,   She  has  delivered  a paper  at  the Commonwealth  Legal   and communities that will ultimately drive inclusive
          including criminal law, civil procedure, and family law.   Conference in Sri Lanka on “The Legal Recognition of Same-  economic growth in South Africa.
          Usha obtained her master’s degree in law in 1997.   Sex Marriages” and contributed extensively to community   On a more personal level, she looks forward to contributing
                                                          projects, providing pro bono legal assistance to help fight
          In early 2007, an opportunity was presented to Usha,   for such causes.                          to the further development of the incredible women who
          with three others, to start the business currently known                                         run BEESCORE so that one day they can say that they have
          as BEESCORE Pty Ltd.  She commented, “Today I am the   Great teachers                            successfully taken the business to greater heights.
          sole shareholder and managing director of BEESCORE, a                                            As a service business, human capital says Usha is her
          company which verifies Black Economic Empowerment   During the initial phase of the business, Usha’s encourage-  greatest asset. “I am equally excited to play an active role
          (BEE) compliance of businesses nationally. Our all-star black,   ment came from the co-founder (a chartered accountant)   in the lives of my children and in helping nurture the next
          female-managed business has gone on to become the BEE   who initiated the first meeting. “He educated me on policy   generation of activists, leaders and changemakers.”
          verification partner of choice for large organisations such   making, and together we built our management systems
          as SAICA, Aramex SA, Colgate-Palmolive, Mr Price Group,   and developed a policy manual collectively. I drew from   Usha has much advice for young women who are following
          BP SA, The Interwaste Group, and the Euro Steel Group.”  his expertise and knowledge,” she explained.  in  her path. This includes the importance of:
                                                          Usha added that her principal, with whom she served her   w   Facing problems head-on
          Business achievements                           articles of clerkship, is a woman who demonstrates power   w   Learning as an investment in oneself
                                                          and resilience. “She has followed my journey to where I am   w   Making time for the people you love
          The initial challenge Usha faced was to build a credible
          business amidst constantly evolving laws and regulations.   today. She was a great teacher to me, became my mentor,   w   Embracing change
          “Since the entire industry was emerging, we were all ‘figuring   and still inspires me to this day. She started practising as   She added that challenges  are the steppingstones to
          it out as we went along,” she explained. “The next challenge   an attorney in 1964; is in her late 80s and still goes to her   success. “Embrace them with courage, and you will carve
          we  faced  was  to  educate  potential  clients  and  industry   office daily. I can see myself following in her footsteps in   your path to greatness. Life presents us with challenges
          stakeholders about the benefits of these new laws. BEE was   this regard, to keep my mind active as I age.”   that test our resilience and courage. By confronting
          a grudge purchase during the initial years of the legislation.   Finally, added Usha her son and daughter are her   challenges, you build resilience and adaptability, qualities
          My passion for transformation, and training was reignited by   greatest inspiration.             that are crucial in a rapidly changing world.”
          this opportunity to apply these skills in a new environment.”
                                                          Continuously upskill                             Lastly, it is important to have a work-life balance and to
          More recently, Usha presented at webinars held by the BEE
          Chamber SA together with the SA Chamber UK. She was   The biggest obstacle she has had to overcome is   take care of your minds and your bodies.
          also a speaker at an Enterprise and Supplier Development   becoming increasingly relevant in an era of constant   Usha has invested in herself physically and spiritually. She
          Summit held at the ICC in July 2023 presenting on   change and the need to continuously upskill or reskill to   eats healthy food,  practising yoga and meditation as well
          Transformational vs Transactional BEE.          meet business demands. “The lesson I learned was not   as enjoys walking and jogging.

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