Page 39 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 39

You know what you want.  Don’t give up on your goals.

                                                          to work and study at the same time.              new Mozambik by the year 2024; with Brett Michelin’s
          Owner of the Mozambik Morningside                                                                assistance, of course.”
                                                          A decision to work in the United Kingdom resulted in
                                                          Monica working at The Swan Hotel in Bibury as a front   To  young  women,  Monica  says  believe  in  yourself.
                 onica Jorgenson is the owner of the Mozambik   office manager for two years. Monica commented that   “Always be confident in everything that you do. Strive
                 Morningside in Durban, which opened on    the knowledge and experience she gained in the United   to be the best that you can. Don’t let anybody tell you
         M5 August 2022.
                                                          Kingdom, which she brought back to South Africa,   anything different. You know who you are. You know
          Monica was raised in a small district in Greenwood Park,   helped her tremendously in furthering her career.  what you want. Don’t give up on your goals.”
          Durban, where she spent many Saturday mornings at the   Upon returning to South Africa, she worked as the
          Morning Market, shopping with her grandmother.  She   front office manager at The City Lodge Durban. After   Giving back
          would tag along learning how to select fresh vegetables   15 years of working there she decided that she needed
          while breathing in the smells of fresh coriander and mint   something more.                      Monica strongly believes in giving back to the
          leaves.  This she says is where her love for preparing great                                     community and empowering women through skills
          food began.                                                                                      development.  Through her restaurant she has provided
                                                          Man of my dreams                                 jobs to 14 staff members, most of whom are single
          Establishing a restaurant, Monica explained, has always                                          mothers from previously disadvantaged backgrounds.
          been her biggest dream. “I’ve been in hospitality, which   “In the beginning I thought I would never get there, but   She has also empowered her staff, including a cleaner
          has always been in my blood, for 25 years in South   I have a great husband. In January 2008 I met the man   who is now the head waitress, by continuous on the
          Africa and in the United Kingdom. My heart’s desire was   of my dreams, and we were married eight months later.   job training.
          to open my own restaurant. I chose to be part of the   Mikael is my biggest supporter. He supports me and all
          Mozambik Group because it is such a great franchise. I   my ideas, and he’s also living my dream right now. He’s   Monica has joined a non-profit organisation called
          love what the brand stands for; I love the food, and I love   a marine engineer but he’s working with me. So, I am   Expose Women that takes care of women who are in the
          the Portuguese culture. So, it was just right up my alley.”    here because he’s also pushed me in a way.”   sex industry. “The forgotten people,” she explains, “None
                                                          In addition,  says  Moncia,  the Mozambik  family have   of these women, during career day in high school, put
          Hard work and dedication                        been a great help. “The franchisor, Brett Michelin, is an   up their hand and said I want to be a sex worker. Many
                                                          absolutely amazing guy. He’s been by my side supporting   of these women in our Morningside area are victims of
          Monica comes from a previously disadvantaged back-  me all the way and it’s been a great journey.”’  human trafficking. We aim to build long lasting relations
          ground and from a very young age she had great                                                   with these ladies, so that one day when they decide to
          responsibility. However, she believes that through hard   Ups and downs                          get out of the industry, we are there to assist them.”
          work and dedication anything can be achieved.                                                    In addition, Monica sponsors meal vouchers at the
                                                          In opening her business, Monica has faced many
          “I matriculated in the year 1992 in Durban. My desire                                            Berea Primary School and St Martins Home For Children.
          was to study hospitality, unfortunately due to financial   challenges and ups and downs.  She says, “I overcome   Monica  and  her  staff  also  prepared  lunch  and  dinner
          constraints I was unable to further my studies. I did not   all obstacles because of my determination and self   meals for the children at Lakehaven Children’s Home.
          let the financial situation get me down. I knew I needed   confidence in everything I do.”       Monica explains that in her off time she tries to get home
          to work to help take care of my family. My sister was still   Her challenges she says include the poor economy,   as soon as possible to spend time with her two fur babies.
          in high school, and my baby brother was just born. My   which in common with many other businesses, has hurt   “I love my dogs and I look forward to spending time with
          mum was retrenched from her job and was unemployed,   her own business. Monica has tried try to overcome this   them around the pool, with a glass of gin and tonic.”
          and my father was diagnosed with colon cancer.”  challenge by utilising more social media advertising and   Monica also has a passion for gardening and has many
                                                          by having more entertainment in her restaurant to get
          Monica worked in many places and excelled at every job,                                          succulent plants in her garden, which are her favourite.
          but she yearned for more.  One afternoon she decided   more feet through the door.               “I’m honoured to be part of the KZN Top Business
          to make copies of her CV, which she then dropped off   In addition, she says that as crime has risen, people are   Women 2023. I wouldn’t be here without the support of
          at every hotel in the Durban area. The City Lodge Hotel   afraid to go out at night. Consequently, she has had to up   the Mozambik Group because they’ve nominated me. I’m
          group soon hired her as a hotel receptionist at The Road   security to make staff and customers feel safer.   proud to be here today. I think I’ve worked really hard,
          Lodge Durban.  The City Lodge Hotel group paid for her   Monica’s future goals are to make her current restaurant   and everybody sees that in me. They’re confident in me
          studies in hospitality, which allowed her the opportunity
                                                          a great success. And she says, with a smile, “To open a   and I’m very confident in myself.”

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