Page 43 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
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Recognise your potential, empower yourself with learning and
take control of your destiny, it all starts with you.
fortuitous choice as it fell into the ‘essential services’ Bashini doesn’t care about titles and has no interest in
Owner Dynamic Shipping Services
category. A resilient customer base, hard work and micromanaging her team but expects them to take
dedication helped her navigate the pandemic. ownership of their roles. “I’m very open and transparent
ashini Mahomed is a force to be reckoned
with my staff,” she explains, “They know exactly where
with, in the world of transcontinental logistics. Bashini’s journey isn’t just about the path she’s taken; it’s
B As rainmaker at Dynamic Shipping Services, a about the unique way she’s shaping her destination, it’s the business is going and what’s expected of them. I’m
here to lead my team to success.”
logistics management company in Durban, she’s more about creating something special.
than a businesswoman; she’s a determined leader.
“I don’t like to measure success only in turnover, but A role model
After two decades in corporate logistics, Bashini’s I am proud of our achievements,” she said. Bashini
Bashini attributes her work ethic to her father. “He was a
entrepreneurial journey began in 2019 at a conference started the business on her own, and the headcount
hard worker, and I keep telling my staff, what you put in
in Hong Kong. An ex-colleague urged her to start her has increased to five, but her impact extends beyond
own venture and she was inspired by the challenge. this. “I’m very proud that I’ve managed to provide is what you get out. I don’t have a degree, but at every
Making the most of one of Hong Kong’s tourist employment in the last three years, particularly in view company that I’ve worked, I’ve taken every opportunity
attractions, Bashini visited a temple and threw the of Covid, the floods and the riots. And not just directly for training and educated myself in a field that excites
mystical Chinese Sticks that are said to offer guidance to my own staff,” she points out. As an extension of me. Hard work, determination and resilience will always
and spiritual clarity. “Well, I knew what I wanted to do.” the DSS service offering, Bashini has indirectly created churn out results.”
employment for 25 to 30 people from the Umlazi- Bashini acknowledges she’s faced challenges as a
Bashini identified an untapped opportunity in the timber
Prospecton area. woman in the logistics industry, but she takes pride in
industry in Durban and decided to set up a timber packing
facility, and with her husband’s support her path was set. It’s important to Bashini that her business is contributing shattering stereotypes. She’s confident in her industry
to the local economy, creating opportunities, and knowledge, and her experience and expertise have
Resigning from her corporate job in February 2020,
helping families thrive – a testament to her belief in empowered her. “There is definitely space for women
Bashini left the comfort and financial security of a stable
business as a force for positive change. in this field and we can excel and make a significant
career. Five days later, she received a call from a customer
in need. His logistics service provider had decided to
Building relationships to build a
offer exclusivity to his competitor, and he needed help Quick to acknowledge the support of her husband,
urgently. “Within less than 24 hours I had the task of Bashini’s blessed with two daughters, an eight-year-old
setting up a timber packing operation, packing ten “One of our core principles,” she shares, “is to build strong and a 21-year-old. “I ’d love to tell you I read, but while I
containers, and turning them into the Durban port relationships with our clients. We want them to see us read a lot of industry material, when I’m relaxing, I’m more
stacks, with a 6 a.m. stack closure. It was a baptism of fire as an extended family, not just another business entity. likely to be watching Liverpool on TV or following cricket
and the beginning of a whirlwind journey,” says Bashini. We’re not aiming to be the biggest corporate clearing and rugby.”
“In business, your reputation matters, and I delivered.” and forwarding company; we want to be known for our
Bashini leaves aspiring women in business with a
family-oriented, customer-centric approach.” powerful message: “Recognise your potential, empower
Facing challenges head-on
That said, the financial metrics are impressive. Within yourself with learning and take control of your destiny,
A couple of weeks later Covid struck but Bashini was three years, turnover has skyrocketed to more than what it all starts with you. If you are not empowered, how do
able to adapt. The timber industry proved to be a was envisioned. you expect to empower others and effect change.”
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