Page 45 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 45

Our job is to discover our unique potential

                                                 and then help others do the same.

                                                          the chief revenue office of Trudon owned by Telkom.   Future goals
          Founder and managing director of
                                                          Wendy commented, “I became a regional executive at
          Newmella & Associates                                                                            Wendy’s  journey  to  self-inclusion  and  the  role  self-
                                                          29 and a national executive at 33 and I could attest my
                                                          success to my experience working for a Dutch media   inclusion plays in accelerating innovation, has allowed
                   endy Mahoney is the founder and managing   company based in Belgium between the ages of  23   her to learn that you cannot accept another unless
                   director of Newmella & Associates. Newmella   and 25. That experience was a turning point in my   you accept yourself. This learning is crucial to accepting
         Wwas launched over eight years ago with  a       life because of the training I received and the belief   the diversity essential for innovation and has driven
          desire to help people and organisations to access human   the  company  had  in  me  to  start  managing  teams  at   Wendy to develop  a new framework for leaders that
          potential for innovation. Over the years of working   the age of 24. Knowing how that company’s training   can solve the complexity of problems in existence,
          with some of Africa’s largest brands, they have refined   changed my life has driven me to impart the same   enabling all to thrive.
          their approach and created unique programmes that   life changing experience to others, allowing them to
          accelerate the self-inclusion and inclusion of others   access their potential as mine was.”     That, says Wendy, is what her PHD research, which she
          necessary to accelerate sustainable innovation.                                                  plans to complete by 2024, aims to provide the world.
                                                                                                           She  is in the process  of publishing her  first book on
          “That is,  innovation able  to sustainably solve  wicked   Hiroshima moment                      leading in this new age and developing a world class
          problems in this rapidly evolving age and add value to                                           learning management system specifically geared for
          the entire ecosystem, ensuring we all thrive in this new   Wendy commented that her resilience has been both a   agile leadership.
          age,” explains Wendy.                           blessing and a challenge. She has had three burnouts,
                                                          the first at 25, the second at 31 and the third at 36. She   On the personal front, Wendy says, “I am in the process of
                                                          explained, “You see most people stop when they are   uniting networks in KZN for the purposes of catalysing
          Accessing human potential
                                                          tired, but I didn’t, because of my resilience I just kept   hope and inspiring potential. Whatever we focus on we
          Wendy’s professional passion for accessing human   pushing until I fell over. I call my third burnout, my   see more of, I believe if we focus people on hope, there
          potential and enabling people to thrive transcends into her   Hiroshima. I literally burnt my life down and was lost for   will be more to feel hopeful about.”
          personal life. She currently chairs the 30% Club campaign   a number of years.”
          for Business Engage in KwaZulu-Natal, which focuses on   Somehow in the midst of that burnout Newmella was   Her advice to young women is that every human was
          driving inclusion within the corporate space. She serves on   founded and found its way simultaneously to Wendy.   created unique, and that we all have unique God given
          the National Business Initiative Council for KwaZulu-Natal   “We  grew  up  together.  I  was  very  lost  after  exiting   potential. “Our job is to discover our unique potential
          focused on inclusive growth and on the Tedx Durban, Vega   corporate as success had defined me and I didn’t know   and then help others do the same. We don’t have to
          KwaZulu-Natal  and  Institute  of  Innovators  and  Inventors   who I was without my career. I had to acknowledge that   be anything or anyone else other than who we are and
          advisory councils. She is a non-executive director for Dare   three burnouts was indeed a pattern and that I clearly   then figure out how to bring that gift to the world.”
          Restoring Worth; an NPC focused on the development of   had a lot of inner work to do. I took a sabbatical and   Wendy added that truly nothing is impossible, when you
          youths in rural areas. Together with  Cathie Lewis and David   lectured innovation at Vega for two years while doing   believe there is a way, there is a strategy, there is a person
          White, Wendy has initiated the Green Lights Sustainability   my Masters at Vega in Brand Innovation and researching   to support you; nothing truly constrains any of us other
          Initiative (GLSI) to help business leaders better understand   the language of the mind (NLP) in the United States   than our own minds.
          sustainability as a global dilemma.
                                                          and Australia, because I wanted to understand what   Wendy commented that she is passionate about playing
          Wendy has been blessed with an amazing career and in   happened to me.”                          a significant role in the community both professionally
          reflecting on what may have motivated her, she would   “Why does one wake up one day, have it all and be   and personally. She is a professional speaker and moderator
          say it was a combination of five aspects. “Resilience in   dissatisfied, burn it all down and walk away. The short   and has produced a lot of online content over the years,
          the face of challenge, courage to step into the unknown,   answer is that I was sublimating, work and my success is   all geared at inspiring a better way of being and doing, for a
          desire to give of my best, belief that anything is possible   what I used to fill the void of not feeling enough. I started   better world together.
          and those who have walked beside me and seen my   the long process of truly valuing myself, knowing that I   Wendy concluded, ”I aim to leave a legacy that will live
          potential when I did not.”
                                                          was enough without achievements, to learn the dance   beyond me that contains a formula for this better way.
          Her last two corporate positions were the sales and   between surrender and free will, and guiding others on   In all I do I seek to enable and inspire human potential.
          marketing director  of CNBC  and  Forbes  Africa  and   the same journey with my learnings.”     This is what gives me the greatest joy.”

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