Page 47 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 47

If every businesswoman  could hand hold another woman; just to help

                        them to become a businesswoman, we would have done well.

                                                          you put your mind to it,” explained Boni. “You must just   have one of them graduating last year. I’m glad that I
          Managing Director at East Coast
                                                          have discipline to make sure that you achieve whatever   could be there to navigate tertiary education with her.
          Radio (ECR)
                                                          you set out to achieve,” she added.              It’s really been an amazing four years to see her where
                oni Mchunu is currently the managing director   There have been many challenges along her journey   she is today. I just think that if every businesswoman
                at East Coast Radio, and she has been with the   explained Boni. “I think the very obvious one is being a   could hand hold another woman; just to help them to
         B station for the past eight years.              black young woman in South Africa. There’s always that   become a businesswoman, we would have done well.”
                                                          connotation that, are you here because you are a quota?
          Her business career, Boni said, has “been really a journey”.   And I always want to make sure that people know that   Be yourself
          She joined East Coast Radio from the KwaZulu-Natal   I’m here because I’m worth it. I’m suitable. I’m qualified,
          Provincial Tourism Authority and before that she worked   and I can do the job.”                 In advising young women, Boni says that it’s important to
          for Unilever, South Africa.                                                                      be yourself, be authentic and work hard. “If you work hard,
                                                          The recent past, especially with Covid, has been a huge   your work will speak volumes, whether you are present or
          Boni added that she has always regarded herself as a   challenge. “It was my fourth year at East Coast Radio and   not, and then life will unfold. Be you, because if you try
          leader, who is an industry agnostic. She said, “Put me   was probably the first time where we were down double   and be somebody else, I believe that the universe can’t
          in any business and I will be able to tap in and really   digits versus what we had set ourselves to achieve as a   find you, whereas if you are authentically yourself and
          immerse myself into understanding that business.”    business.” However, said Boni, they learnt that resilience   just work hard, everything else will take care of itself.”
                                                          pays off and the station has been able to rebuild and
          Reflecting on her position at East Coast Radio, Boni   achieve great business results again.     One of  Boni’s favourite things to do  to relax  is to run,
          commented that it feels like yesterday since she
                                                          As the province has also faced floods and unrest, Boni   which is her therapy of choice. She also enjoys spending
          started her radio career. She added, “East Coast Radio
                                                          commented, “One thing that stands out for me about   time with her kids, her husband, and having moments
          is the heartbeat of KZN, and I am a KZN girl. I was born
                                                          this province is that the people in KZN live by the spirit   that they can cherish. She added, “I love cooking. I don’t
          here, I was educated here and it is home. The station is   of ubuntu and that’s why we’ve been able to rebuild.”   cook  every  day,  but  if  I  do  cook,  I  cook  with  my  kids,
          at the heart of absolutely everything that KZN is about,                                         especially on weekends. We try different recipes as I have
                                                          “Personally,” explained Boni, ‘My future goals are about
          and I just love it.”
                                                          being the best version of Boni every day. I don’t let failure   an eye for culinary arts.”
                                                          define me. I remember when I started my MBA journey,
          Self-motivation                                                                                  Boni says that she believes in looking after yourself. “I
                                                          there was a time when I was about to give up, but the   believe that if you have self-love then you can extend
          Self-drive, self-determination, self-awareness and really   resilient Boni in me kept me going.”    that love to others. If you don’t love yourself, then it’s
          knowing what it is that she wants to achieve have   In addition, as Boni is a mother to three children who look   hard to give it up. So self-love and time to myself is very
          motivated Boni’s journey. She added that her dad died   up to her, it’s very important for her to take into account   important so I can spend time with people, those who are
          when she was in her teens, and he really inspired her a lot.   the lessons that she is imparting to them.    close to me and those whom I work with meaningfully.”
          “One thing he told me was that I must be careful about   As  a  leader  Boni  is  very results  driven, so she  needs
          the decisions I make about education. And education for   to make sure that she delivers. Most importantly, as   Amazing businesswomen
          me has been at the heart of absolutely everything that   mentorship has been important to her and she has learnt   “Being part of KZN Top Business Women is great as the
          I do.” It is therefore unsurprising that Boni is in her final   so  much  through  this  journey,  she  wants to  give  back   initiative is centred around this province. I believe KZN is
          year of completing an MBA.                      meaningfully and sustainably through education.   an amazing destination with amazing businesswomen.
                                                          “I know what education has done for me, so it’s one of
          Boni is also inspired by reading about other successful                                          Initiatives like this really go a long way in positioning us
          people, such as Steve Jobs, as well as the likes of Mandela.   my legacy things that I want to leave behind,” she says.   in this province.  We can show other women, especially
          “If you read about the Mandela journey, you really get to   Boni has identified four girls who she is mentoring. “It   younger women, that it is possible to take up the space
          understand that nothing is impossible under the sun, if   really was quite encouraging and satisfying for me to   in business,” concluded Boni.

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