Page 51 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
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When employees are emotionally stable,
they are more productive, and everyone wins.
has not been easy for Nonkululeko. She has found it Nonkululeko’s biggest goal is to have a fully versatile
CEO of NHM Wellnet
tough to constantly infiltrate corporates and motivate wellness clinic in South Africa incorporating the services
why these kinds of services are vital, and how much they
onkululeko Mkhize, a young businesswoman in of mental health, spirituality, finances, and health, in
KwaZulu-Natal, is the founder and CEO of NHM impact productivity. a one-stop centre. “In a nutshell, wellness is a holistic
N Wellnet. The business provides wellness services “When employees are emotionally stable, they are more endeavour, always interlinked. One cannot put it in a box,
to individuals, companies and to the public at large. productive, and everyone wins. When employees do or isolate it as a single issue to treat,” she says, “A complex
not prioritise mental health and wellness, it is difficult to situation may require multiple services such as that of a
NHM Wellnet specialises in providing on-site counselling make a difference, and break through perceived biases,” therapist, a doctor, financial advisor, or spiritual insight for
in the workplace, to both employers and employees, with she explained. instance, and having these services separated makes it
a focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and managing unlikely that these people will get the help they need.”
mental health. In addition to counselling, NHM Wellnet In addition, her services are perceived as work that should Ultimately wellness comprises of these pillars.
offers supervisor training and the option of hosting be done in a private or a personal space. “Bringing that
wellness days to create awareness about mental health. into the workplace where I’m asking employees to be Just do it
vulnerable has been challenging,” added Nonkululeko.
Nonkululeko had worked as a social worker for a long time, Using the vehicle of her business, Nonkululeko puts
before she decided to step out on her own and offer on- Changing mindsets herself out there for other individuals to learn from
site services, thus saving clients’ time, and quickly found her journey. It is her hope she would inspire others to
it a more efficient way to practice. Her business grew and As Nonkululeko has worked in her predominantly black realise that they too can start from humble beginnings
she realised that there was room to take the business to community, she has found great opposition to the and succeed. She believes that anyone can succeed
greater heights to meet the needs of the corporate sector. idea of mental wellness. The idea that mental health regardless of their circumstances.
and counselling, therapists or therapy is negative, and
A dream means that one is labeled weak, is a constant battle. The Nonkululeko’s advice to young women who may be
misconception is that someone who cannot deal with scared to start, or who would want to follow her path
Her dream and passion, said Nonkululeko, is to help personal issues is somehow failing. is to just do it anyway and make a start. Nonkululeko
people understand the importance of mental well-being emphasizes, “The important thing is to just start the
and to silence the negativity attached to mental wellness. The importance of spreading the message that mental ball rolling.”
Her motivation, says Nonkululeko, comes from working health is not just something for those who have a mental
with people, and from her daughter, who is her life. issue, and should be seen as intrinsic to wellness, cannot Unwinding to recoup
be understated. Nonkululeko’s message is clear: “Your
She was also motivated by the fact that at all the mental health is important. You are holistic beings, the Relaxing after a busy day is important to Nonkululeko. As
companies and the NGOs where she had worked, there ultimate goal is holistic wellness, starting at the core of your a social worker by profession, she is a listener at heart, so
was never a professional on site who she could just go and emotions and working your way out to external factors.” listening is a big part of her life. Consequently, listening
speak to. “I had to either take time off work or I just had to One of the main areas that she has targeted for her pro- to a variety of podcasts helps her to relax while keeping
swallow whatever I was going through at that time,” she bono services are the sports and recreation fields where her informed. She also enjoys gym and aerobics in
commented. particular. Nonkululeko’s daughter is still a toddler, so she
she lives. Nonkululeko has identified that the provision says with a smile, she gets a good workout at home. She
Nonkululeko is self-driven and very ambitious, and she of mental health as a service is not readily available in also enjoys being outside, to meditate and reflect while
said her passion is to provide a tailor made affordable sporting clubs. However, she has found opposition to watching nature.
services to small businesses as well, as she thrives on the idea of mental health services as among many of
doing something she loves on a daily basis. the soccer clubs, tennis clubs etc. these services are When asked what it means to her to be a part of
frowned upon. Nonkululeko has had to work tirelessly to the KwaZulu-Natal Top Business Women initiative
Her journey has been challenging. She said that trying encourage sports people to grasp the importance of this Nonkululeko says, “The opportunity to showcase my
to enter the corporate space, especially with the kind of vital service. However, she has been successful and now business and passion is indeed a privilege. It means that
work that she does, has been a very difficult journey. works with soccer teams around her community where I’m able to put myself out there and that other people
As the concept of employee wellness in corporate is still she offers these services to the youngsters for free as a can learn from my journey to know that they can start
a fairly new field in South Africa, approaching companies way of giving back to the community. their businesses from a perspective of passion.”
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