Page 55 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
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Learning to manage your time will be key to your success.
her best to make this venture work. “Google and YouTube family has been a constant pillar of strength, always
Owner, Hydratool
became my new friends,” explained Dee with a smile. encouraging me.” Dee’s husband provides her with the
eashini (Dee) Moonsamy is the proud mom of However, her success meant that she had suppliers strategic guidance when she needs it and her mother-
two adult sons. Her eldest son is 27 and he is approaching her and giving her sole distributorship to in-law often provides support.
D a chartered accountant, her youngest son is 21 sell their products. “That empowered me to thrive. I was Business challenges have presented Dee with the
years old and he is in his third year studying electrical given the Donaldson Filtration distributorship in 2013 and opportunity for growth and leaning. “My initial
engineering at the University of Pretoria. Dee says that was awarded in 2014 for Top sales in KZN. Today I’m the challenge was establishing Hydratool in a competitive
her husband is also an entrepreneur and he’s her ‘go to only woman in KZN that still has the Donaldson filtration market. Building a reputation and gaining the trust of
life partner in business’. distributorship,” explained Dee. clients required constant effort. Economic fluctuation
Dee’s journey began in 1995 when she worked with her Dee is deeply involved in a collaboration with the TVET has also been a challenge as most of our products
husband at Morgans Transport in Port Shepstone. After Colleges and Trade schools, where her company supplies are imported and based on the dollar rate. Market
gaining valuable experience in the transport sector, the these institutions with all the necessary workshop apparatus uncertainties have impacted the demand for our
couple realised that there was a lack of diesel mechanics needed to complete their syllabus and curriculum. products. To overcome this, we’ve had to focus on
in the area. They decided to bridge that gap and open diversifying our product range and expanding our
their own workshop to do all their in-house repairs. “We are committed to supporting the learning journey of client base across different industries.”
these students. We conduct apprenticeship programmes
“Our workshop rapidly grew into a thriving and lucrative for students to offer the hands-on experience and “Ultimately the challenges I have faced have taught me to
venture, we are now still doing work for Mercedes, Volvo, practical knowledge that supplements their theoretical remain resilient and proactive, rather than seeing these
Man Trucks and many other prominent transporters in education,” explained Dee. challenges as roadblocks, I have chosen to see them as
the area,” explained Dee. opportunities,” explained Dee.
Consequently, they have been successful in producing
However, they noticed that they were experiencing a many qualified diesel mechanics, welders, workshop Looking ahead
huge problem in sourcing parts to service these trucks. assistants and other artisans. They are also involved in
So said Dee, “We took another bold step and opened teaching people how to drive heavy duty vehicles. Looking ahead Dee is dedicated to giving back to the
Hydratool in 2009. Initially it started as a joint venture, community that has supported her. She plans to expand
but due to work constraints, my husband could not cope, “I remember doing my first driver training lesson in 1996 their community initiatives with the TVET colleges
and I was left to run Hydratool by myself.” on an Iveco Truck. I also drove an Actros with a super-link and trade schools, offering more educational and skill
timber trailer from Port Shepstone to Harding when I was building opportunities. She is also hoping that when
Hydratool specialises in industrial filtration, lubrication, pregnant with my first child,” recalled Dee. her son completes his degree in electrical engineering
pneumatic and power tools, and all hydraulic components. that he will start a programme for these colleges.
The company caters to the mining, agricultural, “Being a part of these initiatives is incredibly rewarding as
construction, manufacturing, and the automotive sectors. we are not only helping the students gain valuable skills, To young women, Dee says, that there is one person in
we are empowering them to pursue successful careers.” the world that you will be spending your entire life with
Learning the ropes and that’s yourself. “So take care of your mind, take care
Sheer determination of your health and always be proud of who you are.
Dee said that she had no clue as to what she was Learning to manage your time will be key to your success.
getting herself into, especially as back then it was a Dee says that her journey has been shaped by sheer Remember that your journey is uniquely yours and each
male dominated industry. She explained, “I had to determination, a strong work ethic and a deep passion for step you take contributes to your own growth.”
quickly learn the ropes and figure how I would succeed. what she does. “The pursuit of innovation and continuous
I was not knowledgeable in hydraulics or filtration. I was learning has kept me inspired. The evolving nature of Dee enjoys reading in her spare time and unwinds by
used to extracting information from spread sheets and business pushes me to stay ahead of new technologies. spending time with friends. She also enjoys knitting and
processing balance sheets, doing cash flow statements. I My drive to innovate has kept our business relevant and crocheting as well as spending time in her garden. She
didn’t even know how to do a stock take.” also fostered a culture of growth within our team.” added that she loves going on holidays.
In addition, Dee said, back then her boys were 13 and 7 In addition, says Dee, her mom has been her biggest Being part of KZN Top Business Women allows her the
years old; she was juggling being a mother and trying motivator. “She always says I was never born to fail. My opportunity to commemorate all her achievements.
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