Page 59 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 59

Irrespective of what industry you are in, how you have connected with people

            and how you have made them feel, will ultimately determine your success.

                                                          Over the years, Parushinee’s journey has not been without   not just with people that you think can help you, but
          Founder of Skin Solutions Aesthetic Clinic
                                                          both personal and professional challenges. She explained   also with people that you are influencing and who
                                                          that from a professional point of view, being a young brown   you inspire. Parushinee added, ‘Irrespective of what
                 r  Parushinee  Naidoo  is  the  founder  of  Skin
                 Solutions Aesthetic Clinic which has practices   female in an industry where she was definitely the minority   industry you are in, how you have connected with
         D in Umhlanga and Ballito.                       was extremely challenging. Parushinee struggled to figure   people and how you make them feel will ultimately
                                                          out how she was going to make her mark in the aesthetic   determine your success.”
          Skin Solutions is renowned for bringing internationally   industry.  However, she said, “It all came down to embracing
          acclaimed medical grade treatments to the shores   what made me unique. I focused on finding ways to make   In addition, she stressed the importance of embracing
          of KwaZulu-Natal. They have introduced and found   myself relatable to my community and my patients.”   technology within your industry to stay ahead of the
          ways to combine African botanicals with the highest                                              curve and actually make an impact. Skin Solutions
          quality in medical aesthetics. In 2020, Parushinee   In addition, Parushinee focuses on providing quality   is proud to have achieved just that – combining
          developed  her own  skin care brand  that combines   service and the safest and most effective treatments. She   African roots with international grade equipment and
          African pharmaceuticals and botanicals with medical   strives to keep herself and her business authentic and real.   technologies to bring South African patients the best
          grade ingredients, focusing specifically on South   From a personal point of view, Parushinee says the   quality skin care.
          African skin.                                   challenges she has had are the same as every woman out
                                                          there. For her, that’s how to juggle all the roles of being   Social Development
          Parushinee also considers her clinics a hub of education
          and skin solutions as they offer mentorship programmes   a mom, an entrepreneur, a wife, a sister, and a mentor –   Skin Solutions is not only a local based skin care range,
          and education for doctors and therapists. The aim is to   something she is still working on.     but they use the proceeds of the skin care range to
          not only upscale their skill but improve the overall level   In order to meet these challenges Parushinee focuses   partake in multiple social development projects.
          of service in South Africa when it comes to the skin    on her time management skills, completing one task at   One of these, is that they participate in monthly drives
          care industry.                                  a time and giving it 100%, which has helped her. She   to collect sanitary towels from their clients. In addition,
                                                          added that she has also learned to delegate, which not   a portion of proceeds from the Skin Solutions’ skin care
          Passion for connecting                          only empowers the people around her, but makes time   range is used to purchase pads every month, all of which
                                                          for the things that she can truly impact on.     are distributed to different schools over the term. “I think
          Commenting  on  her  journey,  Parushinee  says  that
          founding Skin Solutions is based on her teenage years   Goal Driven                              that if you can get young girls to attend school on a
          and being a young adult. She explained, “I struggled with                                        regular basis, it will vastly impact the level of education,”
          debilitating acne growing up and I never felt comfortable   Parushinee says that she is very goal driven, and the   said Parushinee.
          in my own skin. I always had a passion for connecting   recently opening of her clinic in Ballito has been exciting   “On a regular basis, we are very involved in the breast
          with people and for helping people live their fullest lives.   and positive. She added that the reception that that clinic   cancer awareness campaign, and we also support
          I think that studying medicine was marrying those two   has received has made her consider opening more clinics   smaller  initiatives  in  communities  that  are  trying  to
          passions together.”                             in the future.                                   uplift women and children.”
          Although she added that becoming a mother is what   “We have a massive following on social media and a lot   “I take the mentorship programmes very seriously,”
          made her take that step to opening her first Skin   of our followers are not in KZN so there are thoughts   commented Parushinee. “Because I feel if you are able to
          Solutions clinic. “I felt that I could not be encouraging my   of going bigger or nationally with regards to our   pay it forward in some way, you are elevating the whole
          children to follow their dreams if I was not living my truth   education platforms.” Parushinee would like to offer   community in which we are actually doing business.”
          in following my own,” she explained.            more mentorship programmes to grow her brand and to   Parushinee said she was extremely surprised to be
                                                          elevate the quality of the industry.
          Parushinee says that she takes inspiration from                                                  nominated as a KZN Top Business Women 2023 and
          everywhere – including her kids, her mom, and from   In guiding young people. she would say that there is   humbled and honoured to know the work that she
          the girls that are a part of her clinic. “Everybody has   no success without passion. “If you love what you do   is doing is being recognised. “I really want to use the
          something to share that can help you elevate yourself.   and you do it well, the rewards will just follow.” The   platform  that  this  has  created  for  me  to  build  on  the
          I find that every day someone will inspire you in    other  thing she  recommends  is  to  see  the  value  of   initiatives that I am doing personally, like the woman
          some way.”                                      connecting with people, of building relationships and   empowerment and mentorship. It’s so amazing.”

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