Page 61 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 61

I  have never given up on my dreams

                                       and  even if you fail – you shouldn’t give up

                                                          The question asking how she could improve her    More job opportunities
          Founder Getnon Perfect Stitch and Trim
                                                          company caught my attention,” explained Getrude.
                                                          “I said that I wanted to open my own small factory to   Although Getrude plans to continue to work for Sarah,
                 etrude Nonhlanhla Ndlovu is the founder of a                                              she is always looking for possibilities to open more
                 company called Getnon Perfect Stitch and Trim.   manufacture bags and supply them back to Wonderbag.   businesses, to employ more staff and to give more job
         G The name, she says means, “I get what I want,   Sarah accepted that request, without hesitating, because   opportunities through creating employment.
          and no-one can stop me.” This name well represents   she trusted me and because she had a lot of orders for
          Getrude’s dynamic approach to all her endeavours.  the bags.”                                    She explained that she would like to open a bakery in
                                                                                                           the rural area where she was born as bread is very
          Her husband died when their children were young, so   In January 2020 Getrude found a site for her factory, and   scarce there.
          she has been a single mother to her five children for   Sarah contributed two industrial machines. Getrude hired
          most of their lives, and now has 15 grandchildren.  four machinists and two general workers to clean the bags.   Getrude says that she is very driven and a very strong
                                                          Initially, Getrude appointed a production manager while   person who always gives of her best. She added, “I have
          Getrude explained that her sewing career started from an   she continued with her job at the Wonderbag factory.   never given up on my dreams and  even if you fail – you
          early age.  She was 10 years old when her mother taught   However, she said this manager failed in his role and she   shouldn’t give up.”
          her to sew on a manual sewing machine and she was   was forced to leave Wonderbag to manage her business.
          given sewing tasks to complete. Getrude commented that                                           In advising young people Getrude would say that they
          as these tasks stopped her from playing, she used to feel   Getrude added that Sarah was very supportive of her   should not stay in one place and hold only one job.
          resentful.  Now, she has realised that her mother assisted   endeavour. “Sarah is a wonderful person who has helped   “They must keep on thinking what they going to do to
          in developing a talent in her, which has served her well.  make me, she is my role model. Sarah is very supportive   move on with their lives, especially while they are still
                                                          because when I need help, she’s a shoulder to cry on.”  young. I advise them to work with me, but they must
          This talent is especially relevant as Getrude never attended                                     do something else to earn some money, and not to
          school. During the early years of her marriage, Getrude   Her factory, says Getrude, now supplies 1500 bags per   rely only on what I’m paying them.”
          lived in Hammarsdale and got a job as a machinist in the   week, 6 000 per month, and she has 28 staff members.
          textile industry manufacturing car airbags.                                                      Open heart
                                                          Many challenges
          Getrude worked there for six years and became a team                                             Getrude is very community minded and explains
          leader. When she was retrenched, due to the company’s   Getrude has experienced many challenges in establishing   that she is open hearted with a strong desire to uplift
          closure, she bought  two  industrial machines  and   her business. Covid was an initial problem and the business   the people around her especially those who are less
          worked at home doing alterations and making church   had to close. Loadshedding has also had an impact as   fortunate.    She  says,  “I  want  to  collect  all  the  young
          uniforms.  In 2018 she decided to return to factory work   during these times, the machinists cannot operate. When   people to give them jobs. I like to help the community.
          because business was very slow.                 they cannot work then there no pay.              If someone comes and cries Gogo, I’m hungry, I need

                                                          Another problem that Getrude has experienced is   some money, then my heart is very open, and my hands
          A pivotal role
                                                          dealing with staff from different backgrounds. She says   are open.”
          Getrude’s successful application for a job as a qualified   that her staff do not always have the same insights, so   In addition, Getrude is an active participant in her church
          machinist resulted in her obtaining a position as a   she needs to communicate with them and encourage   and is contributing to the costs of a new building. She
          causal worker at the Wonderbag™ factory in Tongaat.   them to work as a team. “I give them the advice that   added  that  she  trusts  God  a  lot  and  each  day,  at  the
          The Wonderbag is an award winning non-electric slow   there must be no fighting in the socialising outside of   factory before work, they pray to God to be with them,
          cooker that uses heat retention technology to continue   the workplace to avoid conflict.”       to guide  and protect them.
          cooking food once removed from the heat source.
                                                          In addition, says Getrude, she leads by example. “I’m   In conclusion, Getrude commented that she is very
          Importantly, the Wonderbag business is owned by Sarah   still a machinist. If there’s someone who is absent, I sit   happy and excited to be part of the KZN Top Business
          Collins, who has played a pivotal role in Getrude’s journey.  down and do my job to reach the target. I’m not a boss   Women initiative especially as it is reinforcing herself
          “In 2019, Sarah came to the factory with questionnaires   to them, I’m their friend. I’m their mother. They call me   as a role model in her community and that her story
          asking the staff how the company could be improved.     Granny, Gogo. I’m that person they can go to for help.”   will be shared to motivate other people to succeed.

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