Page 65 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 65

You start to understand how it’s OK

                                                    for you not to be for everyone.

                                                          the aim of lowering Africa’s high suicide rate.  biggest goal was to triple the company’s revenue and
          CEO AND FOUNDER THE UNLEARNERS                                                                   they are well on track.
                                                          As someone who herself attempted suicide in her   Together with the growth of the business, a future
                                                          youth, Zanele has a deep appreciation for the role that
         Z     anele Njapha, the ‘unlearning lady’ is the CEO   unlearning the heavy expectations of society can have   goal is to expand the business globally, especially the
               and founder of the organisation The Unlearners.
                                                                                                           consulting leg, and to be a lot less tied down to being
                                                          on young people. This comes with having the tools
               The business helps corporate organisations and   to support one’s mental health through life’s trickiest   anywhere at any given time.
          their leaders build cultures where instead of frustrated   challenges– especially as a highly influenced young
          and overwhelmed - people are EXCITED about change.   person today!                               “The  business  is  building  in  that  flexibility  because  we
          “What we do is help them to unlearn and relearn,                                                 don’t have an office space. The intention was always to
          helping them to move through the process of who they   One of those skills is being open and willing to change   be a virtual business that can operate from wherever our
          used to be and into who they now want to become,”   one’s mind about what we thought was true.   clients are,” said Zanele.
          explained Zanele.                               ‘Our key values in our organisation are; learn, change, and
                                                                                                           No doubt
                                                          grow.  Every intervention is about the process of learning,
          As Zanele has a passion for children, her career started
          as a primary school teacher. However, she said, “I knew   changing, and growing. When we see that in our clients,   The key thing that Zanele would say to young women
          that there was a call for something bigger. I see myself   that’s always so exciting and an achievement.” Zanele has   following her path, is to live from your strengths and not
          still as an educator or facilitator but making a different   some phenomenal stories that have been shared by her   doubt them at all.
          kind of impact.”                                clients about their successes.                   “I love the quote of a mentor of mine, Michael Beckwith,
                                                          Zanele says that she has experienced  her fair share   who says that ‘if you don’t do you, you won’t be done’.
          Initially, Zanele worked with a company focused on   of challenges; one of them was being taken seriously
          strategic thinking and the future of work before deciding   as a 20-something year old female in the consulting   That quote is so powerful because every person is
          to form her own. She explains that she believed the   industry. “I would sit in briefing calls with a client who,   unique. Sometimes we are so focused on trying to fit into
          world was ready to have the conversation about letting   once they saw me or they engaged with me, would say   the mould that we forget the tiny nuances that make us
          go and grabbing hold and that’s what motivated her to   we might want to work with someone else before we’d   unique. And when we’re able to leverage those strengths
                                                                                                           and make the most of them, we grow, and we find that
          start The Unlearners.
                                                          even discussed content and my expertise. When you   it’s easier to do business.”
          Zanele’s late grandmother is a key motivator in her   experience something like that, the concept of ageism   Zanele enjoys reading when she has timeout from her
          journey.                                        starts to feel very real. But you start to understand how   busy schedule. But she usually read books that will
                                                          it’s OK for you not to be for everyone. Although initially
          “She didn’t complete any profound level of formal   it hurt,” she explained.                     support her business or help her become a better leader.
          schooling and never held formal employment. I believe                                            “I love to just sometimes switch off. On weekends I try to
          that if she had the opportunities that I have access to   Zanele  commented  that it’s  really  important to  firstly   do absolutely nothing. I don’t give feedback on anything;
          today, I can’t even think what she would have done   understand who your ideal customer is and serve those   I don’t sign off on anything. The only thing that I do on
          with them. Even in her circumstances - she was resilient,   individuals, as you don’t want to work with a client where   a Sunday is to set up for the rest of my week. I’ll sit there
          adaptable, flexible, creative, loving, and empathetic.   there’s misalignment.                   and just try to disengage because a lot of what we teach
          All these are skills that I help organisations to build   Another of Zanele’s biggest challenges, as an introvert,   our clients is how our moments of insights, moments of
          today; I didn’t learn them from someone with a college   has been building a team with herself at the helm of the   creativity happen when we’re not working.”
          education, but someone who didn’t have one.”    organisation. However, she explains that as a strategic
                                                          thinker, she has realised that she cannot fulfil all the roles   An impact to be made
          Great achievements
                                                          in her company and must collaborate.
                                                                                                           “Being part of the KZN Top Business Women gives
          There have been some great achievements along her                                                us an opportunity to inspire, and to elevate some of
          journey, of which Zanele is really proud.  The main one,   Hairy goals                           the work that we do and leverage co-creation. When
          is the founding of The UnLearning Children Foundation.   Zanele has many goals both personally and for her   you have a platform, it really creates that beautiful
          An  organisation  that  is  focused  on  supporting   business. She explained, “I’m big on goals - I set big,   momentum for us to make an even bigger impact and
          adolescent youth to build key mental health skills with   ambitious, hairy goals. With her business, Zanele’s   to do it together with other awesome people.”

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