Page 69 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 69

Success isn’t a fixed destination;

                                   it’s an ever-evolving journey, a continuous process.

                                                          Personal achievement                             exercise; it serves as a form of meditation and solace.
          Broker / Owner of RE/MAX
                                                                                                           Kim’s adventurous and challenge-seeking spirit has
          Dolphin Realtors                                In terms of personal achievement, Kim highlights her
                                                                                                           driven her to accomplish four Comrades marathons, five
                                                          success in mentoring some of their most accomplished
              im Peacock’s journey is a tapestry woven with                                                Two Oceans marathons, a demanding 100km trail run,
                                                          agents, helping them transition from an employee
              diverse talents, a commitment to excellence, and                                             and she has even made two attempts at completing a
                                                          mindset to an entrepreneurial one. She explains that
         Kan unyielding passion for positive change. From   their guiding principle is mutual benefit: “When you win,   100-mile race.
          her artistic roots to her pivotal role in real estate and   we win.” Kim is dedicated to enhancing their systems
          community development, Kim’s story exemplifies the                                               Keeping the growth
                                                          and providing comprehensive training, inspiration, and
          power of purpose-driven leadership.                                                              Her future goals encompass not only expanding the
                                                          motivation to the agents under their banner.
          A mother of twin boys, Kim’s legacy is deeply personal.                                          franchise and consistently  surpassing targets but
                                                          She underscores the culture of empowerment and
          She is driven by the belief that even one person can   diversity, which is the foundation of their business   also fulfilling the fundamental aspirations within the
          make a lasting impact.                                                                           business. She places a higher emphasis on nurturing
                                                          philosophy. The entire ethos and the RE/MAX model are   and empowering individuals within their agency,
                                                          intentionally designed to embrace diversity, encourage
          Fundamentally different                                                                          motivating and inspiring them to step outside their
                                                          flexibility, and foster empowerment. Regardless of one’s
                                                                                                           comfort zones, and exceed their own expectations.
          Kim’s journey has taken a unique and colourful path. She   familial roles, educational background, or personal
          initially spent roughly 12 years in the film and television   circumstances, as long as someone can embrace an   Kim believes that an establishment with these values
          industry. However, her husband convinced her to join   entrepreneurial mindset, they have the opportunity to   naturally attracts people. Consequently, she underscores
          him as an agent at RE/MAX Dolphin Realtors. Together,   shape their own destiny under their RE/MAX Dolphin   the importance of concentrating on the existing
          they formed the ‘A-Team’ and had agents working   brand. Whether an agent wants to build a business   attributes of her business and fostering internal growth,
          alongside them.                                 within the business or seeks guidance as a newcomer,   rather than primarily seeking external expansion.
                                                          RE/MAX Dolphin offers the support and resources
          Kim explained that one of their primary goals was to
                                                          needed for growth. Kim’s core motivation revolves   Have grit
          acquire the franchise they were operating under. They
          pursued  this objective  relentlessly  and  successfully   around nurturing individuals to achieve the lives they   Kim imparts a resounding message to young individuals
          achieved it in 2015. Notable accomplishments include   desire by providing the business vehicle for that.  walking the path she once trod: “Have grit. Don’t
          holding the largest market share, outperforming their                                            surrender.” She emphasizes that success isn’t a fixed
                                                          Juggling all the balls
          second and third competitors combined in terms of                                                destination; it’s an ever-evolving journey, a continuous
          sales, and boasting the most productive agents in the   Kim’s most significant challenge isn’t within her   process. Kim dispels the notion that achieving or failing
          region. By August of this year, 30% of their agents had   professional career but rather lies in striking a balance   to reach a single goal defines success. To her, even
          earned one million rand in commission, and they aim   between her personal and professional life. Managing   setbacks and failures can serve as powerful teachers,
          to increase that percentage by year-end.        her roles as a business owner, the head of training at   illuminating new opportunities along the way. Success,
                                                          RE/MAX Dolphin, the KZN regional representative for   in her eyes, is an ongoing expedition.
          What sets RE/MAX apart is its fundamentally different
                                                          RE/MAX headquarters,  a devoted  mother  of twins,  a
          business model compared to traditional real estate                                               Reflecting on her nomination as a KZN Top Business
          models. RE/MAX Dolphin has embraced this unique   dedicated spouse, and an active participant in the daily   Woman,  Kim  candidly  admits  that  the  unexpected
          ethos and actively promotes an entrepreneurial   operations of RE/MAX Dolphin has been an ongoing   recognition left her profoundly moved. She concludes
                                                          struggle for her.
          mindset. The agency offers its agents an independent                                             with pride, “I’m immensely honored to be a part of the
          contractor’s platform, allowing them to effectively   In her quest for equilibrium, Kim implemented a daily   KZN Top Business Women. It’s a genuine privilege to
          run their own businesses under the RE/MAX Dolphin   discipline; she wakes up at 4:30 a.m. every day to embark   stand among accomplished and inspirational women,
          Realtors banner..                               on  a  10km  run.  For  her,  this routine  transcends  mere   and I cherish this acknowledgment.”

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