Page 71 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 71

Changing the world with one act of kindness at a time.

                                                          where I want to be. I just never gave up on my dreams   that continue to guide my teaching and influence my
          CEO: The Gold Bar, Sensational Hair
                                                          and I wanted to make sure I achieved what I set out     mentorship of others.”
          Salon, Designer Prints, Specialised
                                                          to achieve.”
          Accounting, Ballito Seafood                                                                      She added that her parents have been an instrumental
                                                          Being a woman in the male-dominated industry of gold   part of who she is. The values that they instilled in her
               holain Perumal is a CEO by trade and philanthropist   recycling presented Sholain with many challenges. “I felt   as she was growing up have pushed her to where she is
               by heart. Her journey began with The Gold Bar,   like I had to prove myself, and that’s exactly what I did,”   and enabled her to conduct business the way she does.
         Sa gold recycling company, known as a company    she reflects. “I turned the negativity directed at me as a   “I have to give them credit for the woman that I am today.
          with a heart.  With five stores across the country, the   woman, into building blocks, creating a solid foundation   without them, I probably might not be here,” she said.
          company purchases unwanted gold jewellery from the   for my businesses and personal growth.”     Her goals for the future are to build an empire and leave
          public and recycles it into gold bars that reinvigorate   Running multiple businesses has its unique set of   a legacy of empowerment. So basically, says Sholain, she
          the economy.                                    challenges, from managing cash flow to handling staff   wants to create more leaders. Through her businesses
                                                          issues. The journey has been punctuated by external   people are offered employment and an opportunity
          Sholain owns two hair salons which are located in
          Umhlanga Rocks on Chartwell Drive and in Cornubia   hurdles like riots, floods, and the global pandemic.   to learn from her, to study, and to grow within the
          Mall. Under the banner of “Sensational Hair, Nails, and   Sholain’s invaluable lesson is that one is not born with   organisation.
          Beauty,” these salons are your ‘ultimate happy place’.  The   all the answers; adaptation and constant learning are   Sholain believes that she can change the world with one
          salons offer hair, nails and beauty treatments under one   essential to survival. “In order to survive, you have to   act of kindness at a time. That, she says, will just snowball
          roof and  aim to make you feel at home. “It’s just a place   continuously  be  learning  and  adapting  to  the  new   into an effect where everybody’s making one small
          to destress and get away from the stresses of the world,”   circumstances and the new challenges thrown at you   difference in the world and that combined together will
          said Sholain.                                   every single day. And you have to work through it,”    make a bigger change.
                                                          she says.
          Her entrepreneurial spirit doesn’t stop there. Designer                                          Anything is achievable
          Prints, a graphic design and print company based in Mount   Much  of  her  motivation  has  come  from  the  fact  that
          Edgecombe, and Specialized Accounting, an accounting   she is a strong supporter of women’s equality and   In advising young women, Sholain has simple but
          and taxation company, highlight her versatility as an   empowerment. In addition, says Sholain, ‘I’ve always   powerful  words:  “Don’t  overthink  it.  You’ll  never  have
          entrepreneur. Sholain’s passion for diversification led her   been somewhat rebellious growing up in the sense that   all your ducks in a row.” She adds, “The biggest step is
          to launch Ballito Seafoods in Odyssey Mall.     I wanted to prove that I could do what people said I   the first step you take and that’s making the decision to
                                                          couldn’t, and I wanted to break societal norms. I’ve come   start and after that everything flows. But you may not
          However, her proudest creation is The Now You Can   from a humble background and an Indian community.   get it right the first time.” She emphasizes that, “Failure
          Foundation which supports a variety of initiatives, from   We had set rules and I was determined to break those   is not the end but an opportunity to begin anew.”  With
          providing grocery hampers, to motivational talks in   norms, and that’s exactly what I did.”     determination and focus, anything is achievable.
          schools, and care packs for abused women and children.
                                                                                                           Despite her hectic life, Sholain recognises the importance
                                                          Inspired by mentors
          With determination                                                                               of balance and the need to disconnect from the
                                                          However, said Sholain she has been very blessed to have   demands of her businesses. She loves travel and a yearly
          Sholain’s  journey  to  success  began  with  humble   mentors along the way that have guided her. As such she   international trip serves as her much-needed “me time”
          roots.  After  matriculating  without  the  funds  to  pursue   has been able to use her passion for empowerment and   making all the hard work throughout the year worthwhile.
          further education, she started working as a cashier in a   change to motivate herself and push through despite all
          supermarket. Sholain ensured that every job she had was   the challenges she faced.              Sholain’s involvement in the KZN Top Business Women is
          a stepping stone that would eventually bring her to this   Wayne Duncan, her previous employer, played a pivotal   a source of pride for her. It not only provides exposure for
                                                                                                           her businesses but also aligns with her mission of women
          point in her career.
                                                          role in Sholain’s journey. He saw potential in her and   supporting each other. The initiative offers a platform for
          “It’s been a long, tough road to be where I am,” said   often pushed her beyond her limits. “He made me cry   like-minded women to connect, share experiences, and
          Sholain. “But with  determination  and  a never give up   more than once,” Sholain chuckles. “But every lesson   motivate one another to overcome challenges and reach
          attitude, hard work and persistence. I finally achieved   he taught me is still instilled in me. It’s those life lessons   new heights.

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