Page 73 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 73

Provide people with the freedom to make their own decisions

                                         and take accountability for their business.

                                                          sustainability of the business. She has done this by   and inspiration. We shouldn’t wait for something or
          Industrial Relations Manager for
                                                          applying the leadership principles of servant leadership   someone to make you great. Whether you enjoy reading
                                                          ensuring that she manages people individually based on   business books, listening to podcasts, or watching TedTalk
              iesl Phillips, the industrial relations manager for   their specific needs.                  videos. Just do it! That is completely in your hands.”
              LabourNet has had 13 years of experience in   “Firstly, when I ask my team members how they are doing,
         L industrial relations. As compliance partners to   I really care about the answer. Secondly, I trust my team   An infinite game
          businesses. Liesl assists Labournet’s clients to resolve   and this to me is crucial in business. Providing support   “My future goals are to always play an infinite game,
          their labour related matters. The company’s national   and frameworks is absolutely necessary but what is   meaning that there’s no finish line. So, to continue to
          footprint means  that  they  are  able  to  service clients   more important is to provide people with the freedom   grow year on year,” said Liesl.
          anywhere in South Africa.                       to make their own decisions and take accountability for
                                                                                                           “I’m also in the process of acquiring my business coach
          She says that she has had the privilege of managing   their business.”                           qualification. I think if in today’s time if you are not
          the KZN Industrial Relations team for the past five years.     “I also actively focus on the growth of our business, and   upskilling yourself or researching how to deal with
          Liesl commented, “The people aspect of the business is   I am quite passionate about obtaining new business,   a diverse workforce or with the upcoming Gen Z and
          something that I’m really passionate about as I believe in   which provides my team and I the opportunity to solve   millennials, you’re setting yourself up for failure.”
          empowering people to reach their full potential.”   their problems and add value at a high level. I successfully
                                                                                                           Liesl is determined to always be driven by being
                                                          led my team throughout the Covid 19 pandemic and
          Building blocks to success                                                                       passionate about her position, irrespective of the title or
                                                          proud to say that we managed to support our clients full
                                                                                                           the position she holds.
          Hard work, having the right attitude and doing the   time as well as pay full salaries to our staff.”
          right thing consistently over time, are said Liesl, the                                          “I think passion is the driving force to really make a
                                                          Be a cheerleader                                 difference in people’s lives. People don’t remember the
          three things that have been the building blocks to her
                                                                                                           bad days or the challenges they faced. They remember
          success. “There’s that very famous saying that nothing in   Throughout her career Liesl has been inspired and
          life comes easy. And if it were easy, everyone would do   motivated by multiple individuals and has had the   the leader and the mentor at the time and how that
          it,” she added.                                 privilege of working with some amazing mentors.  person actually made them feel.”

          Thirteen years ago and  straight out of university, her   She explained that challenges are something that we all   To relax and unwind
          working career started with LabourNet.  Liesl then   face. For the longest time Liesl thought that she needed
          relocated and for a short period left LabourNet. However,   external validation to really believe in her own thoughts   Commenting on creating balance in her life, Liesl says,
          she added, “I love the brand so much that I ended   and initiatives. However, with the guidance of mentors   “I’m very much of an extrovert and a social butterfly, so I
          up coming back and was subsequently promoted to   and of cause some maturity, she started to realise that   enjoy just spending time with some friends and having a
          industrial relations manager five years ago, and I’ve really   she needed to be her own cheerleader. She added,   glass of wine. I enjoy outdoors, so my husband and I love
          been enjoying my role.”                         “I only need one vote and that was my own. The only   going for hikes. We love spending weekends away and
                                                                                                           doing some adventurous things.”
                                                          person standing between you and your goals, is YOU.”
          An effective and productive leader                                                               In conclusion, Liesl said that being part of the KZN Top

          Liesl is proud to be an effective and productive leader   Focus on your mindset                  Business Women initiative has been very refreshing and
          and  this  success  she  believes  is  achieved  through  her   Her advice to young women today is to focus on your   it is an honour to be part of such a well organised event.
          people skills.                                  mindset. “You can’t expect the A plus performance with   “I think, if this story lands on one lady’s ears and I could

          Liesl believes that it is important to empower people   a B minus mindset,” says Liesl.  “We live in a world of   motivate and leave her with something inspirational,
          and continuously identify successors to ensure the   information, with so many platforms to gain knowledge   then I feel that I’ve won something.”

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