Page 77 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 77

No matter what you choose to do, you need to work out

                what is the legacy you want to leave behind and work towards it.

                                                          Kashnee believes that there are many people in her life   focuses on change management, building capacity
          Founder and Director Inspired Financial
                                                          that God has placed in her path, who have had a positive   and knowledge in the public sector and offers capacity
          Management Solutions
                                                          impact in her career, which she is grateful for. “My   building and training workshops for government officials
                                                          foundation comes from my parents. My mom has been   at no cost to strengthen their knowledge around key
               ashnee Sewnarain is a qualified chartered accountant    an amazing role model to me. She’s always encouraged   technical issues.
               who holds substantial professional experience in
         K public sector financial management and capacity   and believed in me that I could do anything that I put my   A previous director of KZN Provincial Treasury, she has a
                                                          heart and soul into.”
          building.  She  founded  Inspired  Financial  Management                                         proven track record of assisting in improving audit opinions
          Solutions which employs 11 individuals, eight of whom are   “My dad has been my sounding board. He’s actually my   in the public sector and has been instrumental in leading
          women, in a space of five years.                biggest critic, which has made me stronger because he   financial management reforms within the province. She
                                                          always questions my decisions and makes me consider   further led the implementation of municipal systems
          The company focuses on improving skills and capacity                                             reform in KZN, which impacted on financial management
          building for government organisations in budgeting,   the pros and cons. He’s been an amazing support to me.”  processes for municipalities.
          accounting,  financial  statements  preparation,  systems   Her husband has also been her biggest supporter and
          implementation, and financial management. They have been   had resigned from his job to support her in achieving her   Level of expectations
          operating for five years and have a client base comprising a   goals and building the business together. She indicated
          number of government organisations across the country. She   that she would not be able to do what she does, without   Being a business that operates in the space of government,
          believes that this growth has been achieved by producing   his incredible support and understanding.  it has been challenging at times to be appointed to
          the best quality of work for her clients, and with the utmost                                    undertake work, based on merit. However, Kashnee
          integrity and ethics as the core foundation to the business.  One client at a time               believes that the knowledge and skills that the company
                                                                                                           possesses has held them strongly in this regard, whilst
                                                          Her vision is to drive positive change in the public sector one
          Study accountancy                                                                                being resilient in their beliefs of integrity and ethics.
                                                          client at a time. “I believe in training and capacity building
          “My journey was actually surprising,” said Kashnee. “I   and enabling officials to do the job right the first time. I’m   Her future goal is to continue to bring change to the
          really didn’t know what I wanted to study when I was   not a person that would want to do the job for somebody   public sector through capacity building and training.
          in school. My accounting teacher suggested that I   else, but rather show them how to do it themselves.”  A question that Kashnee often asks her clients is: ‘What is
          study accountancy, which I thought was a boring book   She strongly believes in the ‘good’ in government, which is   the legacy that you want to leave behind?’. Her advice to
          kind of job. However, based on my parents’ insistence, I   often unseen. “There are many government officials I work   young women is “No matter what you choose to do, you
          continued with a chartered accountancy degree.”                                                  need to work out what is the legacy you want to leave
                                                          with on a daily basis that really want to see the difference
          Kashnee commenced her studies with a loan from   in  government.”  She  indicated  that  there  is  much  need   behind and work towards it.  Give it everything you’ve got.
          the  bank,  where  repayments  were  required  once  she   to maximise on this by equipping and supporting these   You are never too old to study and reach your dreams.”
          completed her degree. She attempted to study honours   individuals to be the best that they can be.
          part time whilst working and found it  really difficult  to                                      Share knowledge
          balance by work commitments with her studies, and   Since its establishment, the company has trained   Relaxing and unwinding is difficult when you run
          eventually gave up on this.                     approximately  400 government  officials  to be  able  to   a business. When Kashnee has the opportunity,
                                                          do their job better, with great success in being able to
          A few years later, after much effort, Kashnee’s former boss   successfully perform their functions with minimal support.  she spends time relaxing on weekends. She enjoys
          convinced her to return to her studies. This meant that she                                      spending time  with  family  and  says,  “I have three
          needed to redo her third-year studies again, as her degree   Kashnee added, “We also play a strong role in terms of   beautiful dogs; they give me a lot of relaxation to take
          was more than three years old, and two additional years   aligning budgets to the Integrated Development Plans,   my mind off things.”
          of studying toward Honours (CTA), as Unisa did not offer   which enhances that service delivery is achieved in   In conclusion, being part of KZN Top Business Women
          the one-year honours programme as a part time option.   communities. The value for money that we bring is that   means that Kashnee has an opportunity to: “Share my
          Kashnee commenced studying again at the age of 32,   we help municipalities bring value to the communities.”  knowledge, share what I’ve achieved and to inspire
          newly married, and possibly the oldest student in her class.   As an individual, Kashnee voluntarily serves on the Eastern   young people that they can do anything that they put
          She qualified as a chartered accountant at the age of 36.  Region SAICA Public Sector Committee. In her role, she   their mind to.”

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