Page 81 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
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Be authentic, and keep it real because, at the end of the day,
you have to reconcile with who you are.
Payroll Manager for DRG Outsourcing fields as possible so that in every situation she could draw Looking to the future
from this diversity and bring it all together.
olette is passionate about family and people. Colette believes that it’s important to have as much When contemplating the future, Colette shared that the
She states that what has got her to where business goals for the future are to grow DRG and to
know-how and knowledge over a large scale of areas so
C she is today, is her family and their values, have people continue to identify DRG as this gift that
that when you contribute, it’s from a place of experience
and all that they have taught her. However, Colette as you draw from this wealth of information. adds value to their businesses. She would like to build
looks forward to and is equally excited about what on that and have all of DRG employees and partners,
lies ahead. All about the people gain as much value as possible out of DRG, while
delivering outstanding service.
Grounded in values For Colette, it’s all about the people, which is her area “The advice I’d give to younger women following in my
of expertise. She says she really enjoys working with
Colette believes that being grounded and real is very footsteps is to keep it real. All the other stuff doesn’t
people and has seen that when people are their real,
important, amidst the titles and qualifications one achieves authentic selves, they can add the best value. She adds matter in the greater scheme of things,” said Colette.
and acquires along the way. However, it is about the value that her area of specialisation is in drawing people out, Colette reflects that she has impacted the business by
that we tack onto what we do that really matters. and having them realise their value and the value they continually focusing on progress and business efficiencies
“I am married to an amazing man and we have a really bring to the business. and staying relevant. She states that over the time that
she has been with DRG, she has seen growth in so many
beautiful life,” she says. “And I have a son who is differently- Colette added that the HR and payroll space, are areas
abled, through whom I’ve learnt many lessons, and he that are prone to the ’people factor’. In all areas of the ways. This growth has been a collaboration by everyone
certainly keeps us humble. With him, we are kept on the business, where you add people to the mix, you’re and of shared ideas. The focus has not been necessarily
knife edge of joy and grief, and I think that’s a very good going to face all manner of dynamics. on reinventing themselves, but rather more on staying
place to be. It teaches one to be grateful.” relevant. Asking pertinent questions such as: ‘How is the
world changing?’ and “How are we responding to that
Overcoming challenges
Facing challenges with determination change?’. And in most cases staying ahead of the curve
“The interpretation and perceptions in business are a with those changes and not being on the back foot.
Colette shares that she has experienced a number of challenge and it is our job to facilitate a compliant landscape
challenges both in her professional life, as well as in her commented Colette. “I overcome these challenges by Winding down
personal life. Colette believes that she has overcome adding value as much as I can, keeping it real, keeping it
Valuable downtime with family is really important to
these purely through sheer determination. calm and just understanding that sometimes when I’m Colette.
having to troubleshoot where people are concerned, I
“I think the challenges that we as women, all face in
need to remain calm and identify with that person as “Being nominated for the KZN Top Business Women
business, is just being recognised as women and for the initiative this year is such an honour and privilege for
contribution that we make,” she said. Addressing and another human being who is facing a problem. By realising
that we all have issues, and dealing with them in a gentle me to represent DRG and represent women. I want to
overcoming those challenges, took being determined
and kind way, is typically how I attempt to overcome showcase the real woman, the authentic woman. That’s
and becoming as qualified as she could in her field of those challenges.” what I believe I represent,” said Colette.
expertise and learning as much as she could in as diverse
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