Page 83 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 83

You also have to be flexible about your methods,

                                                   but obstinate about your goals.

                                                          sheer determination to buy back my life. I don’t drive, so   to do things that others won’t. You can achieve whatever
          Founder of The Busy Bookkeeper
                                                          I built a virtual firm. I have worked – often – more than   you  set  your  mind  to  if  you  are  committed  enough.
          and Partners
                                                          12 hours a day, seven days a week to build a business   You  also  have  to  be  flexible  about  your  methods,  but
                                                          from scratch with every single free resource that I could   obstinate about your goals.”  And added Mags, “Try to
                  agdelene (Mags) van der Walt is the founder
                  of The Busy Bookkeeper and Partners. Her   find on the internet because I had debts to pay, erratic   be grateful, always. The universe will bless you with more
         M company  is a virtual firm  that provides      income, and children to feed so I couldn’t qualify for any   reasons to be grateful if you foster this attitude.”
          accounting, tax, payroll, and secretarial solutions, as well   credit. I have often questioned my own sanity, but sheer
          as advisory and finance assistance to small businesses   determination  and creative  thinking have  gotten  me   A safe culture
          across South Africa. She has established partnerships to   through every single challenge that I have faced. Failure   Providing a safe culture for female entrepreneurs is a key
          meet certain of clients’ needs with brands such as Rison   isn’t in my vocabulary. I either win or I learn. And despite   driver for The Busy Bookkeeper. “We hire young moms.
          Financialist, Sage, Merchant Capital, and IronTree, to   the challenges, the depression and struggling with   I give them flexible hours so that they’re able to work
          name a few.                                     imposter syndrome, the hair loss, and sleepless nights, I   whenever they need to around raising their children in a
                                                          wouldn’t change a single thing because it refined me.”
          The Busy Bookkeeper started out as a sole proprietor back                                        safe environment.”
          in 2015 until Mags decided to formalise the business in   Mags decided that the business would have a few clients,   Commenting on the future, Mags says her goals are
          2017 as a registered company. Mags is very proud of her   and some affiliates and that she would have a blog. The   to make more of an impact by expanding The Busy
          company’s achievements, which include being awarded   company, however, laughed  Mags, had its  own mind.   Bookkeeper’s reach. She says, “I want to serve more
          third place in the Best of Durban, Readers’ Choice Awards   More and more people started coming to them, and   small businesses, both local and global, and offer them
          2023. She commented that this award, “Just lets me know   while she said it’s just been hard work, the company has   access to affordable, quality services. I have plans to start
          that we’re doing something incredible; it was fantastic that   continued to grow.                other ventures when things settle down at The Busy
          people chose to honour us.”                                                                      Bookkeeper  based  on some  current  needs that  I have
                                                          Immediate family
          In April this year, after a near nervous breakdown due                                           identified as well.”
          to overwork, Mags reached out to her partners at Rison   Her motivation to achieve success has always been her   Mags added that she always wanted to be an author as a
          Financialist and asked them to take on a more active   immediate family. Mags  said that her biggest dream   child, which was realised during the Covid-19 pandemic.
          role in the company.  At the same time, she hired her   was to own her life; to be able to fully support herself   She participated in a book project with another 120
          first assistant.                                and her family and not have to rely on anyone. “It’s a   female entrepreneurs across the globe on navigating
                                                          simple dream, but simple doesn’t always mean easy,”   the pandemic.  Mags has also written some e-books on
          Sheer determination                             she explained.
                                                                                                           starting a small business in South Africa.
          Mags explained that she got the business to this point by   Mags added, “I only ever want them to be proud of me   Relaxation for Mags is meditation, spirituality,  and
          sheer determination. She said, “It’s been a real challenge   and to inspire them. I want them to know that they can   spending time with her family. As a spiritual person, she
          for me to get to where I am today; from being a teen mum   achieve anything in life simply by working hard and   would like to take time out to travel to sacred locations
          to a high school dropout, to having to study something   being committed to their goals.”        across the globe, starting with Adam’s Calendar in South
          that I didn’t really want to.”                                                                   Africa. Mags would also like a guilt-free holiday as she
                                                          A solid why
          Mags went back to school in her early 20s, stuck with her                                        hasn’t had a holiday in over seven years.
          subject choice through ups and downs, and has built a   The advice that Mags would give is that you need to set
          career around bookkeeping.  At the point in life when   yourself a real solid ‘Why’ to revisit when life gets tough.   Top Business Women
          she was unhappy at the company she was working for   In her case, giving her family and herself a better life was   In reflecting on her participation in KZN Top Business
          and recovering from a divorce, Mags decided that she   the driving force behind every decision she ever made,   Women, Mags says it’s been absolutely amazing. “It lets
          needed to ‘break up’ with every toxic thing in her life.  which got her through some really dark periods.  me know that despite the circumstances, if you really
          She explained, “I used my final bonus from my final job   “You know if you really want to get to where you want to   work hard enough and you  focus on being a decent
          to purchase some office equipment with no capital and   be in life, you’ve got to be prepared to sacrifice.  You have   human being, people will recognise your achievements.”

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