Page 85 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
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It’s important that every day we speak to young people,
guide them and be an example to say, you can achieve.
working full time at a communications company, fast Princess Nandi added that she has come from a very
Brand Ambassador for the Thanda
forward, Princess Nandi found herself back in KZN. traditional background. As a Zulu and a member of the
Group and Star for Life Ambassador
royal family she needs to uphold her stand on tradition
Princess Nandi added, “I am really living my passion
rincess Nandi Zulu comes from the beautiful working with communities and young people. I’m always and not shy away from who she is because that’s her
town of KwaNongoma, which is in northern looking at different opportunities on how I can assist and identity. However, she has identified the need to evolve a
P Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal. She is the fourth child of contribute to society.” little bit because the world is evolving.
Queen Buhle kaMathe and the late Zulu King, Zwelithini Her message is that the values you live by, start at
Goodwill kaBhekuzulu. Power of dreams home, the way you are brought up by your parents
Princess Nandi explained that she wears many hats. A However, her journey has not come without challenges, or the elders in your family, should be your guide. “It’s
role that really resonates with her is that she is the brand the primary one is seeing poverty. Princess Nandi explains, very difficult in this world, because sometimes you get
ambassador for the Thanda Group, which owns a game “I take it personally, because as somebody who comes exposed to so many things and you forget to uphold
reserve in Hluhluwe in northern Zululand. Princess Nandi from the royal family, I feel that I have the responsibility values like respect, being brave, being kind, being
is also the Star for Life ambassador, an initiative that to contribute towards the upliftment of the community.” forgiving, and being compassionate.”
supports schools in rural Hluhluwe, in townships, and in She added that she is honoured to serve because that is
Namibia and Sweden. when you receive much more in due time. Drawing strength
In commenting on her life thus far, Princess Nandi says this She added, “I’m where I am because somebody motivated Princess Nandi is currently writing a book about her late
journey is something to which she feels she was born. She me. It’s important that every day we speak to young people, father, which she had planned to finish before he passed.
explains, “My journey was motivated by my late father who guide them and be an example to say, you can achieve.” As his death was a painful experience, she could not write
wanted me to be part of Thanda Group, so that I could for a while. She added, “It was also a time where I was
interact with the local communities and market the hospitality The Star for Life programme is an initiative that motivates drawing strength, just solidifying the memories that I had
industry for economic upliftment. He was passionate about learners to dream. The programme’s coaches are of him and learning to survive without him. I am pinning
conservation and the protection of animals, especially rhino, passionate in making learners understand the power of down the way I understood my father and the privilege
not just solely for one game reserve, but as a collective, which dreaming and pushing them to realise their dreams. of knowing such a great king not just as a daughter, but
is something very powerful.” “I’ve seen the success of the programme, where the kids as a citizen of South Africa, as a citizen of KwaZulu-Natal
Princess Nandi is the first princess to don a parachute to light up when they realise that they can do so much more and of Nongoma.”
create awareness and raise funds for the protection of the outside of school, they can dream to be big things. Not In her free time, Princess Nandi has many things that
rhino, in the ‘Jump for Rhino’ initiative. She commented, everyone’s going to achieve academically, so why not try she likes to do to unwind. These include going to the
“Pierre Delvaux, who’s the CEO of Thanda actually and harness other passions such as in the arts. They can beach, where she enjoys walking in the sun. She added,
challenged me and I did not hesitate. The jump was life do wonderful things,” explained Princess Nandi. “I’m a volunteer at my church. I encourage others to get
changing for me because I never thought I would jump Princess Nandi’s own foundation’s goal is to assist learners involved in local community organisations or supporting
out of an airplane.” to further their careers after school. local churches in any way, including your free time. There
Princess Nandi said that she had an interesting childhood. are many hands needed in society, nothing is too trivial
Power of keeping calm to receive a blessing.”
At an early age she was sent to Swaziland to live with her
aunt and attended preschool there. She then went to In advising any young person, Princess Nandi says, “Really In conclusion, Princess Nandi says that it has been an
various boarding schools and completed her matric at St try and keep calm, because things are thorny. Try and draw honour to be nominated as a KZN Top Business Woman.
Anne’s College in Hilton. more from your inner self. If not, find people around you “It’s lovely to be nominated, because sometimes you
Following matric she went to Pretoria to study business where you can draw strength to keep calm. We need to just keep going and you don’t realise that someone is
communication and also completed a management be resilient; we need to be strong and giving up is not an watching – it’s a journey I think every woman should
advanced programme at Wits Business School. After option, challenges are there to teach us to be strong.” experience.”
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