Page 79 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
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It is important to keep gender equality going between males and females,
as this adds value to the business and is enabling.
that was a great challenge. I think achieving that and
Owner and Managing Director of Gender equality
knowing how their machinery would work with my
Chemsol (SA) Adhesives While Premi is conscious of the need to empower women
product was very satisfying.”
in the workplace, she has a 50/50 split of male and female
remi Subramany is the owner and managing director The manufacturing sector is also a male dominated employees. She explained that it is important to keep gender
of Chemsol (South African) Adhesives, which is environment and particularly challenging for women. equality going between males and females as this adds value
Pbased in Durban. The company manufactures “Just getting them to believe in me, that yes, the product to the business and is enabling. “The interlink is important
chemicals and adhesives used for paper and packaging. The can work and make their job easier was challenging. because the ideas that are discussed between a male and
company’s focus and strengths are specialised waterborne At the end of the day they have to achieve results and female achieve the results required,” Premi explained.
adhesives for paper and packaging. ensure that there is less downtime and that their end
products are excellent.” However, 50% of the company’s women employees are
Premi started off her career as an accountant and in management roles. “We have empowered our younger
has worked for many corporate companies over the However, says Premi, “I am passionate about what I do, I women, who we have brought in as young graduates, to
years. After qualifying, she moved to a manufacturing think my customers motivate me more when they come take on senior roles and to become involved in decision
business where she played the role of management with a new development and I take on the product and making processes within the business as well.”
accountant. Thereafter, she moved on to a corporate ensure that I achieve the required result with my team Reflecting on the impacts that she has made in her field,
company where she was the financial director of and their technical expertise. There is much satisfaction
the business. when the product works. There are a lots of trials and Premi says that she uses both her business environment
there are many steps in ensuring that the product is and her family environment to empower the people
In 2005, said Premi, “I decided it was time to move on what the customer really needs and that’s what they around her. “I ensure and give them confidence to
my own. Let me try and take on the risks of owning my will sign off at the end of the day.” believe in me that I can lead my team members. That’s
own business.” what gives us excellent results in the business, and I see
In addition, says Premi the new developments within
The company Chemsol Adhesives CC was sold to her, and the changing environment and ‘going bio and green’ that right through my business. I think that what I enjoy
she commented that she had to take on the company and is making manufacturing chemical products more most in my business is my staff, and my family around
grow it to another level. Premi explained, “It was incredibly exciting nowadays. “Lots of avenues have been opened me. My staff and my family members work together as a
challenging, but I made it work. We started off making up for me in supplying biodegradable products, team, which gives me much satisfaction.”
solvent adhesives for the footwear industry. In 2013, South biodegradable adhesives, and biodegradable HDP
African Adhesives was founded, and thereafter, we started polymers for our plastic division – they are our go- Never give up
manufacturing waterborne adhesives. getters at the moment. We’re looking forward to In advising younger people, Premi says that her advice is to
providing our customers green products to ensure that never give up. She explains, “Work can be very challenging,
Know your product the environment is safe. We’ve got to ensure we sustain and it can also be very uncomfortable in different environ-
both the environment and our business.” ments. But again, it’s how you will allow yourself to accept
Reflecting on the numerous challenges in the manu- rejection. I think that’s important. If you’re rejected, do not
facturing environment, Premi said that she thinks firstly Future goals give up, just continue. Just see how you could improve on
knowing your product before you go out to market the rejection, and it happens almost all the time. You will be
product is essential. While Premi has several projects on hand at the moment, rejected, guaranteed, but it’s what you do. Just take it as a
she also has future goals. “Looking at my business as a
“I was highly successful in getting to know my product. whole, we need customers, we need to go green, and we challenge, go sit down, think about it, and see how you can
The challenge was getting out there and meeting need to be sustainable. However, there’s a lot of training better it and never give up.”
people on the floor to introduce my product and and development happening currently. There is a focus In order to have time out, Premi explains that she shuts
getting them to understand what I actually do. And if I on the youth in our business to get them to enjoy what off at 6 p.m. every day when she goes home. In addition,
say falling in love with my product that I could supply.”
we are doing. We have lots of technical expertise in the her focus on the weekends is for herself and her family
“In addition, I needed to work with ground staff, getting business and we’re trying to pass that on to our graduates. who are extremely important to her. “So,” she says, “the
them to know the product, how it performs, and its My goal is to ensure they are trained, that they know what’s weekends are for me. I love my cooking, I love my naps,
ability to give them their results that are required and happening and they understand what they are doing.” I read, and I enjoy documentaries. So that’s how I relax.”
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