Page 75 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
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In order to truly achieve, one has to understand
and know your environment.
spotlighting their region, businesses, and community about the significance of marketing, demonstrating
Owner, Maraschino Marketing Collective
projects. Most of this endeavour was self-funded, bolstered tangible ROI results, staying ahead of industry trends,
by the support of local business allies who recognised their and positioning the business for sustainable growth in
andy Rootman is the owner of Maraschino
Marketing Collective, based in Ballito, KZN. dedication to their community and beyond. the changing marketing landscape.
M Maraschino offers comprehensive marketing Amid the KZN riots, they rallied support for those Another challenge experienced amid the turbulence of
services including the likes of strategic marketing planning, safeguarding their neighbourhoods. Utilising restaurants Covid was that most businesses curtailed marketing due to
brand development, social media, graphic design, that couldn’t operate, soup and food stations were set up, financial constraints. Despite financial strains, Maraschino
photographic and video services, and website creation necessary resources secured, and sponsorship garnered continued refining clients’ marketing strategies without
among others. “My journey in the realm of marketing, being from their nationwide network. This backing enabled them charge. Remarkably, every client re-engaged as full-paying
entrusted with the needs of various businesses, has been to extend their aid; providing sustenance to struggling customers once restrictions eased.
one of continuous adaptation and growth,” says Mandy. families and organising drives for essential products.
Maraschino has over the last 29 years, grown its client base Mandy is very involved in her wider community, and using Maraschino itself took a hit as the majority of their clients
across the country, across all industries. operated in the hospitality and lifestyle sectors. However,
combined networks, her business assists where needed. since then, they have cultivated a robust client base
Beyond business, Mandy is a dedicated wife, mother, and “My motivation has always been to live each day to its full spanning various industry, securing greater financial
‘glammy’ to four cherished grandchildren. potential,” she says. stability for the business.
Achieving within community Taking action Looking to the future
“In order to truly achieve, one has to understand and Mandy attributes where she is today, to her unwavering Mandy is passionate about serving local and national
know your environment,” says Mandy. She believes that passion, resolute determination and being able to pivot small to medium businesses because when growing
what they have achieved, has not been achieved alone, quickly regardless of the situation. “No” is not an option them, she essentially grows herself. Her goal is to broaden
but as part of an incredible network of people and in her vocabulary; she actively seeks solutions instead of their client base to have a global footprint while evolving
individuals. She and her team focus on goals that extend dwelling on challenges or their potential negativity. Her to where the business operates seamlessly without her
beyond their business to encompass that of clients and approach is to immerse herself in the company of kindred constant engagement.
communities within their local spheres. Their concerted spirits, individuals who mirror her mindset – authentic,
efforts kindle a spirit of participation for initiatives, events, action-driven, and true to their word. Mandy says, “I admire The Maraschino team currently boasts six young women,
fundraisers, and more, fostering symbiotic relationships those who don’t merely observe but step up to the plate, who are making their mark on life and in their chosen
that uplift both business and community alike. refusing to be bystanders – these are the people who careers. Her advice has consistently revolved around
inspire and motivate me.” embracing one’s authentic self, pursuing passions and
One such initiative was born when the Covid pandemic aspirations, and not allowing anyone to deter them from
hit in 2020 where Mandy together with a friend, were On a personal level, her husband’s strength and drive to turning their passions into profitable ventures.
facing their own business setbacks. However, armed with survive at all costs, through eight major surgeries over a
a media license, they joined forces with family and friends six -year cancer journey, inspires her daily to be the best Mandy actively encourages young women to explore
to create “The Vuvuzela”, where they crafted a website, version of herself and to use every moment to make a diverse avenues of income beyond their routine work
established social media channels, and collaborated with difference and to pass it forward in some way or another. commitments. This empowers them to potentially generate
local businesses in need. They captured 5 to 10-minute In the early stages of her business, Mandy found that supplementary income from alternative endeavours,
video clips showcasing resilience amidst challenges, while the main challenge was educating people about the ensuring that if one opportunity closes, another is always
also spotlighting charities, food drives, and community importance of marketing for business growth. The waiting to be seized.
initiatives that sought assistance. These clips, shot for free emergence of social media added a new challenge,
and placed online, totaling around 150 in over 18 months, as businesses initially saw it as a personal tool, not a Relaxing and unwinding
not only gained traction locally but resonated worldwide, business asset, leading to a lack of engagement with their To relax, Mandy loves spending time with her family,
offering invaluable support.
target audience. Return on investment (ROI) was often grandchildren and friends. She and her husband also
Expanding their efforts, they introduced Ballito TV, featuring prioritised over branding and exposure. Overcoming grab every opportunity to get away for a long weekend
live morning shows via their website and YouTube, these challenges involved effective communication and explore beautiful places.
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