Page 67 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 67

There are no templates in this business. You know, we’re freelancers

                   – you find your own way with your own brand at your own time.

                                                          of providing their children with stories that span the   coming first, and I look into the crowd, and my parents are
          Media Personality, podcaster, author,
                                                          continent. “I dreamed of something for my kids, and now   not there because they can’t get off work,” she recalls.
          co-founder of www.ratingsforschools
                                                          these books are all over the world. And I’m proud. And   As she puts it, “Challenges must never be the obstacle.
                 arol Ofori’s easily recognisable voice resonates   like wow, is this really you?”         They are the road and the path to greatness. I think that’s
                 with warmth and influence. Whether on her   After completing a BA in journalism, Carol began her   what propelled me to always want to work harder.”
         C daily show on East Coast Radio, her talk show   career as an intern reporter at 947 and Talk Radio 702,
          for first time parents, Raising Babies on SABC 2, or the   focusing on news and then moving into magazine   Carol’s work ethic and goal orientation was shaped by
          thought-provoking discussions on her Carol Ofori   journalism. Carol also holds a Honours degree from   her mother’s relentless efforts to provide the best for their
          Podcast, Carol has made an impact on the African media   VEGA university majoring in Brand Management and her   family. “I’ve done all these wonderful things. But I don’t
          landscape.  “                                   journey  in  the  media  showcases  her  adaptability  and   come from a rich background. My mom worked very hard
                                                                                                           to put us through school. Much as I love my dad, I have
          “I’ve won the International Sovas (Society of Voice Arts   commitment. “There are no templates in this business.   to really give the credit where the credit is due and it, you
          and Sciences) Award for my voice work, which is literally   You know, we’re freelancers – you find your own way   know, it was my mom’s doing,” Carol shares candidly.
          the Oscars of the voice world,” says Carol. Her latest   with your own brand at your own time. I’m inspired by
          media adventure is playing a lead character in a Disney+   just wanting to succeed,” she reflects.  Focused vision
          series called Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire, a beautiful   Carol’s entrepreneurial spirit led to her co-founding
          African animated show available on Disney+ streaming   an education information portal for parents with her   In giving advice, Carol is adamant you need a clear vision
          worldwide.  Unsurprisingly for Carol, her role showcases   husband.  Their aim was to revolutionise the interaction   for the future. “I see a great future for ratingsforschools.
          that girls can do anything they set their mind to – she   between schools and parents and address a tangible  I see a great future for me in the broadcasting and
          plays Mkhuzi, a racing car driver. “It’s still wild to think that   need. helps one locate a   media space, and I see more books.
          I’m a Disney character,” she says.              school based on your budget, curriculum, special needs   “The most important advice I can give you is to always
          Beyond broadcasting, Carol is a published author   and more.                                     know your picture of where you’re going.  Sometimes
          having written a series of six children’s books called   “We had just moved to a new city and we needed a   you’ll share your story with people who won’t see your
          “The African Adventures of Sena and Katlego” that   portal to find schools and it didn’t exist. So, we created it   vision. Take the advice, take the feedback, take the
          have garnered international attention and available   -,” Carol states, emphasizing   criticism, but don’t let it cloud your vision.”
          at  all  leading  book  shops  and  online.  She  is  also an   her ability to identify gaps in the market and create   “Remember what you want and stay focused on where
          acclaimed master of ceremonies and recently ventured   innovative solutions.                     you are going,” she advises. “If I had listened to people
          into comedy.                                                                                     telling me not to dream of publishing six books, these
                                                          “I definitely see being a household
          “I think I’m an all-round cool chick. I’ve done so many   name, it’s got such an exciting future. I cannot wait for   books would never have happened.”
          incredible things that I think I don’t celebrate enough!”   where it’s going. And it’s something that we are both so   Carol has two small children so finding time to relax is
          she commented with a smile.                     proud of.”                                       rare. However, she does enjoy being pampered and loves
                                                                                                           eating out and trying different foods. I like nice things –
          A pan-African narrative                         Navigating challenges                            shopping – I’m a typical girl. I’ll relax in all those spaces
          Married to an incredible Ghanaian man, Carol’s family   Reflecting on her childhood, Carol commented that   I’ve just mentioned – and enjoy a glass of red wine!”
          is a beautiful blend of South African and Ghanaian   attending St Catherine’s convent, an hour and a half away   “Being part of KZN Top Business Women is important as
          cultures.  “I wanted books that would depict Africa for   from her home in Soweto, meant long days. This was a   the platform highlights women doing amazing things,”
          my kids, and they just didn’t exist. So, I decided I was   challenge as she and her sister would get home late when   says Carol. “I think we get so clogged up in our roles and
          going to write them.”                           most of the kids living nearby were forming friendships   it is important other women get to see us celebrated
          The African Adventures of Sena and his magical teddy   in the afternoons, and doing homework we would have   as it encourages them to keep surging forward. Seeing
          bear Katlego are a six-book series that takes readers across   to find the strength after the long bus trip home to do   different women from different walks of life, religions and
          Ghana, South Africa, Chad, Eswatini, Egypt, and Uganda.     homework. And her parents weren’t always able to support   schools of thought – encourages other women to take
          This pan-African union underscored the importance   her at school events and sports days. “I’m running, and I’m   up the baton and run in their lane in their journey of life”.

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